Hey , im not a Prison player so I don’t (or didn’t in this case) had much knowledge on irl deals.
I’ve browsed the prison Rules and i’ve found this:
Prison Rules
What you need to know about irl deals:
(im quoting the post made by @TheRedVelvetCake that I linked )
Scamming in-game is almost always allowed except under the following circumstances:
IRL Scams: Any scam involving anything that isn’t server related, such as through the MunchyMC buycraft IS NOT ALLOWED under any circumstances and may result in a permanent in-game and buycraft ban. All scams must be done with in-game items ONLY.
Glitches: Faking a game-breaking glitch (such as a dupe glitch) to a player, or particularly to a staff member, may result in a permanent ban. This will be judged on a case-by-case basis.
IRL Deals
ALL IRL deals are to be done through the MunchyMC Store. You may NOT make deals for out-of-game items or currency unless it is done through the MunchyMC Store, or one or both parties may be temp-banned or banned. You may ONLY MAKE IMMEDIATE DEALS, meaning deals that involve an immediate transaction, no borrowing etc. To ensure there is no risk of an IRL scam, inform a staff member of an IRL deal before going through with it so we can be informed of the terms of the agreement in order to best protect both parties.
Hope i helped!