Also @IceBreaker420 I never said the kit was balanced, I just said that even if it were balanced it would still be an annoying kit to play against. I understand that you enjoy playing with the kit but I have to disagree that it’s balanced and fun. Also snowballs and rods and bows are purely strategic. Especially snowballs. It’s to make it harder and riskier to bridge up in the middle of nowhere, and for that reason, I love ranged weapons in Woolwars.
We are all completely entitled to our own opinions on things and if yours is that glider is perfect then that’s fine! I’d just like it if you were to take a moment to look at it from another kit’s perspective and then you may realise how annoying glider really is.
Okay little edit here: The way you use glider seems really fun! From what I’ve seen in the last few games I’ve been in with you is that you don’t abuse it to run away or anything very often, but you do use it for PvP and for gliding in on people. I think that’s the way the kit should be, rather than the way it currently is.
How about we introduce an xp bar, which acts as fuel / stamina. When you glide, the bar slowly goes down, and when you hit people, the bar goes up. If the bar is empty, you can’t glide. This way, you can’t run all the time and aggressive players won’t be affected that much.
I think this would be great for another kit. With glider, though, it changes the way the kit works completely and I don’t think glider users would be very happy. Still, I can think of 100 amazing kits that could be based off of this idea.
Just realized now they gonna nerf glider cuz i showed off my supreme skills in the tournament and STILL LOST because TEAMERS :(
BTW glider only op bcuz 90% of players cant left click effectively. and to anybody who uses glider to run away from literally any fight nomatter how fair it is, i hate you with a passion and you are the whole reason this kit is so controversial.
Honestly I agree with ice here. No offense to him but I was able to kill him without a teammate twice in the tourney just from throwing snowballs when he was gliding. I don’t think the kit is op ice is just extremely good with it.
First, let me address an error in your post…
Glider does have a cool down, but it only occurs if you hit them while the kit is actually in use. It’s also been shortened to 3 seconds.
Second, let me give my opinions…
I do agree that this kit needs some tweaking, however it’s hard to find a balance. If you give glider an only half cooldown (When you hit them while gliding), Then it’s a bit over powered, but if you give it a full cooldown (works at anytime), then it’s a bit underpowred in comparison to other kits like Bouncy.
My suggestions are…
A. Return glider back to glider item. This makes the kit a bit harder to use, which was honestly an important factor. It also prevents the fast stacking like you see with the sneak method.
B. Have a stun trigger for 3 seconds if you hit them while they’re holding the item
C. Have a stun trigger at anytime if someone hits you 3 simultaneous times via melee attack.
Honestly, I’d like to see glider kit nerfed a little, especially after how the last tournament turned out, it seems a little op in the hands of a player who knows how to properly exploit it xD
bruh all thats gonna do is make 90% of people less powerfull, thats not gonna affect me at all. (pretty sure im the problem here)
Surprisingly enough over a year of practice pays off. I’ve played every version of glider there is. Adding an item just makes the kit more fast and hard to hit. The item favors the people who run away from every fight. which is the real problem that nobody seems to care about
You say the speed of glider was the issue, you do realize that the feather activation automatically makes the kit faster right? Everybody agreed, when it was an item the speed was the issue. Also my playstyle with the item is the most toxic thing on the planet (worse than what i do now)