Once upon a time I stumbled across a Human named plantasia. She was just a normal Helper when I met her in the Terrain of the Plains Biome. I heard that she needed help with building her House, so I grabbed diamond items from her chest without her knowing, made tools and got materials. When I was out getting materials it was such a scary place, I was mainly underground so all the googlies came after me… So I had to create an inventory full of torches and place them in every block I stepped on. After a few long hard working hours I got all the materials I needed which were:
• 96 Diamond Blocks
• 47 Beacons (Grinded in the End to get these)
• 7 Stacks of Iron Blocks
• 45 Stacks of Coal Ore
• 1 Gold Ingot (To make a Golden Shovel)
• 66 Double Chests of Cobblestones
• 34 Inventories of Hardened Clay (Coloured and non Coloured)
• 12 Single Chests of Diamond Tools
When I came back to her House, I found her gone. I thought to myself, all that hard work to get those materials for her just to leave me?? Then I remembered that this is Minecraft and not irl so you can logout if you need a break. So when she was finished from her break, she logged back on and we carried on building the house. It came out great, I think it won #1 Build for Survival. After we won that trophy we went on winning other trophies too:
• #1 Couple
• #1 Soul Mates
• #1 Staff Members
• #1 Amount of Children we had sold across the Seas.
Then Survival became pretty stale. All this stuff being added to Lifetime ++ where you can fly and stuff was just making it so boring! Everyone out built us since they had fly. I know right imagine having fly on a survival map. Then ALL OF A SUDDEN. BANG POOF Herobrine appeared, Attacked all of the buildings that were built with flight and shouted Pce L Monkey. But then… I came back to my house being destroyed by Herobrine… I shouted “PLANTASIA! What have you done!!” Herobrine whispered in my ear… these exact words “Plantasia uçuş rejimindən istifadə etdi … bəlkə Moderatorlardan biri ona verdi, mən IntrepidBookwormu təxmin edirəm.“ I instantly grabbed my children, marched to Bookworms house and I put C4 on my children’s back (My children are Explosion proof) when Bookworm took them in, she was so confused on why she heard ticking. The house blew up and Bookworm was left underground where she can starve. (But not die, no never die that’s bad so I give her food every 2 months and water every 5 weeks) My children came out looking like Badass’s… Hands up and screaming the Dora the Explorer theme song. Little did ANY of us know… literally none of us knew, Bookworm went into the future to the next Map of Survival she grabbed a Pet Unicorn and transported it to the map she was originally on… This Unicorn has special powers none of us knew were a thing. The unicorn used its powers to make Bookworm into liquid, so she could wiggle her way out into the surface… and once she was out she was turned back into a solid. IntrepidBookworm and The Unicorn came after all of us! When she had reached me, I was doing my chores for plantasia while she was sleeping. She broke down the door with her beautiful looks and screamed at the top of her lungs… GIVE ME WATERMELON SOCKS OR YOU WILL DIE. Coincidentally I had watermelon socks, fresh ones too. So I gave them to her and she went on her way.
Me and plantasia were just casually selling kids to everyone in the community, when this green looking bogey (xShrek) came up to the Lemonade stand (we were pretending to sell lemonade but it was actually children) and he was so fat that he just stood on the lemonade stand once and it collapsed into pieces. Me and the remaining of my children were very smart that we noticed if he ate any more food that he would explode… so instead of finding food we just fed them one of my children. He exploded into pieces… I told plantasia after and she was okay with it.
The End.
Thank you for letting me in this competition and I hope to win Lifetime++ so I can fly and build Houses.