Media Rank


You don’t have:

  • Any public MunchyMC content.

  • At least 1500 subscribers/a growing channel (I checked Socialblade, and necessarily you don’t seem to be growing enough to meet the requirements in at least 6 months.)

  • You don’t meet the requirements of atleast 250 views per video.

  • You also don’t use the format listed here:

Channel link:

Number of subs:

Average number of views per vid:

How long you have been creating content for Munchy or other servers:

Servers for which you have created content:

What do you feel would make you a good candidate for Media on MunchyMC?

Based on the following evidence, it doesn’t seem you are qualified enough to become apart of MunchyMC’s Media Team. However it is unlikely that you will get accepted as of now, since you haven’t had any MunchyMC content in the past month, which means it’s definitely a no-go for the time being. However if you are able to keep up with the requirements when you can reapply, you may have a chance at getting accepted.

Regardless of what I say, the best of luck if it is even useful.


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