NOTICE: This post is serious and is only for the people who truly care to read and give their thoughts and/or care about KitPvP itself.
KitPvP has been struggling quite a bit in its current state. Most of its community has left, not very many players join and stay, the average player-count has been very low, and what’s left of KitPvP’s community is not very happy with it. There are plenty of reasons of why this is happening, but I want to only go over the controversial discussion of KitPvP’s version and the possibility of it updating to 1.19+
I have been planning on writing and posting a post like this for a couple months now but haven’t for a couple reasons. One reason being, I wanted to wait a little bit to see what could possibly happen, and if there will be a definite change sometime soon.
Something extra
I have something slowly being worked on about the entirety of MunchyMC, including its game modes, its staff team, advertisement, media, business, etc. Sometime soon that will be posted here on the Forums, but may take a while due to the amount of writing it will be.
KitPvP’s current versions are Minecraft 1.7 and 1.8, but Staff have decided to possibly change the version to the newest versions being 1.19+ as of writing this. The majority of KitPvP’s player-base is disgusted at the thought of the versions changing, which is something I understand fully. I have been playing Minecraft forever, and have grown up with a very consistent way of PvPing up until the “Combat Update” 1.9. As someone who is so used to, and loves this way of PvPing, I myself do not like the possibility of KitPvP being updated to the newer versions.
Updating to 1.19+ doesn’t mean changing the style of PvP though. It will remain as close to 1.8 as possible and will work so similarly that some players might accept its change after a while. Unfortunately, it will not feel 100%, but will be good enough if it has to change.
Both 1.7-8 and 1.19+ have many benefits for the server, but also many problems. I want to go over the less complicated pros and cons that we can easily see and think of when talking about each version.
1.7-8 Pros:
- Familiar PvP for soup players
Most players who play soup or any other PvP gamemode are already used to the style of PvP and how it plays on these two versions.
- Higher FPS and less lag
Versions 1.7 and 1.8 are both very smooth compared to the newer versions and are the best preforming versions for even people with less strong computers or laptops.
- Better and easier mechanics to deal with and work on
For the tiny bit of gamemode development ive seen on certain servers, one of the only important things that need changed or adjusted are things like knockback taken. These versions have been out for so long, that almost everyone knows how it works, and most new bugs or problems discovered are only from faults of the servers themselves. Most of the mechanics used on most servers are Vanilla, and don’t need changed.
- Better reasons for different playstyles and clicking methods
With 1.7-8, it is already very easy to come up with your own playstyle, and easier to master it. Whether it be a more tanky playstyle, or more of a combo heavy playstyle, with the consistency of the PvP, it is very easy to master your way of playing. These versions also give reasons to learn or use different clicking methods to change things like the amount of knockback you take when hit. Your clicking methods will also depend on your playstyle.
- Keeping the server’s current players if a big update happens
If a big update happens, and the server stays 1.7-8, there will be a much much better chance players wont leave.
1.19+ Pros:
- Better development
1.19+ will open so many doors for development of the server. With newer versions comes many new things Munchy could add to the server.
Some smaller things could be:
- New events
- New Kits
- New commands
- New mechanics for PvP
- More opportunities for builders
With the newest versions, there are plenty of new blocks and items that can be used to make both new maps, and update old maps.
- Less inconvenience switching gamemodes
Having KitPvP on the newest versions would make switching to gamemodes like Survival or Prison so much easier. There would be almost no need to quit Minecraft to then change versions just to log back onto the same server.
- New Players
Many of the players you will find joining KitPvP lately have been newer players to KitPvP or MunchyMC as a whole. Those players also tend to be much younger than the majority of the KitPvP mains or newer to Minecraft in general. They usually are found to be playing on the newest versions of Minecraft as well.
One problem you will notice though, is that once those new players have a bad experience with the version they are on, or die one too many times, they leave to likely never come back. Having the server be on the same versions they might be using will possibly give them a better experience and make it less likely they will log off so quickly.
1.7-8 Cons:
- Less creative development
Updating the server is something that is longggg overdue but staying on the current version doesnt really open any doors for something that new or different. New kits and maps and events maybe, but not much else.
- Less new players
With 1.7-8, only the players who haven’t quit Minecraft or the versions will play the server which is a lot less than the players who play the newer versions.
- More inconvenience switching gamemodes
With KitPvP being on 1.7-8, to play other gamemodes requires quitting Minecraft to then switch to the newest versions just to play the same server. The only exception is WoolWars if WoolWars also doesn’t update to 1.19+, but 1.7 players still have to go through the annoying process.
1.19+ Cons:
- Possibility of the current player-base to leave and never come back
It’s no secret that KitPvP mains despise the thought of KitPvP updating to the newest versions. So many of the players have already left from the possibility, and others have stated that they will leave if the server does update.
- Bad preformance
Updating to 1.19+ is going to cause a lot of performance problems for both the server and the players. 1.14+ are very buggy and laggy versions. They barely function for most people unless they have a very strong pc, and usually end up being looked down upon on older players. FPS will be cut to a 3rd of what players would get on an older version, and there will be many lag spikes and things that will be bad for a PvP gamemode as fast paced as soup. The server itself even on gamemodes like Survival, Event, and Prison is very laggy as soon as it passes a certain number of players, to the point where it can be unplayable or just crash. KitPvP will likely be the same.
- Outside hate from the PvP community
This point is something that isn’t really too important to the server itself, but unfortunately is already a little bit of a problem thanks to a lot of the problems the server already has. (I wont be going over those problems in this post)
These are a lot of the pros and cons of the Minecraft versions, but there are plenty more I didn’t think feel like going over because they are either less obvious, or too complicated for me myself to explain.
I believe the answer to “Should KitPvP be updated to 1.19+ or stay as 1.7-8?”, should be answered by the owner, Admins, and Developers of MunchyMC. Though I also believe they should consider our concerns and ideas as the players who play the server and make up the community. If I have to answer that question myself, I personally do not want the server to update to 1.19+ but can see a lot of reasons it could be a good idea.
One more super important thought before I finish this post, is something some players have realized. Soup PvP itself is a dying gamemode. It is very old and dated for most PvP or 1.7-8 servers. The only server that does decent that is accessible to everyone is Lunar, but even Lunar doesn’t get very many players compared to other PvP servers. Soup is something most if not all new players will not understand because they didn’t have much experience with it. They will still be upset from dying and leave, they might not understand how the style of PvP works and will not be able to learn with the better players not allowing them to PvP and practice. I myself didn’t know how to play soup when I first joined because I didn’t play Soup PvP back in the day. I only was able to learn because I have had plenty experience with 1.7-8 and have had It for countless years.
Thank you for reading. I barely proofread this post despite having a lot of this already written down for a while. If there are any typos or errors in the post, let me know about them and I can fix them. Also feel free to add anything to what I wrote, or debate some things in the replies.