I’ve decided to wait a couple days before responding to give a chance to the people responsible to at least give any input, and seeing as my point continues to be proven, I will continue the discussion.
So @Twinkiewinkie firstly–thank you for having the tenacity to actually do your job AND do it well, and at least attempt to step in where those that are supposed to be in charge won’t.
Quick question–how does it feel to have the title of Senior Mod but still have the same knowledge as me, a normal player? They don’t even care enough about YOU to inform you about things! This should concern everyone. The fact that you’re suggesting that the Admin team simply doesn’t know or, perhaps worse, doesn’t want to actually talk to the players, should plainly tell everyone that this is no longer a community worth being apart of. It’s that simple. Like I said, nothing here is complicated.
Do you see what I’m saying? Here, let me tell you what I see:
Two front-end admins responding to “Munchy of the Year” yet nothing heard on this thread, which was posted on the same day. So we have time for stupid things like Munchy of the Year, but when it comes to actual concerns raised by the community that need a degree of seriousness, no one is willing to help, not even offer anything.
The actual KitPvP Manager with whom this topic concerns the most lurking on the forums here but also not willing to offer any sort of explanation, not even a reassurance. This is also the same person who told me six months ago how they’re all about transparency and doing their best for the game mode. Don’t believe me? Well here’s exactly what he said:
- “…as the manager of KitPvP, I’ve taken every possible step to demonstrate transparency and accountability within the inner-workings of my gamemode, when I find it possible.”
- “I’m going to attempt to get more involved in responding feedback and ideas raised by the community on the forums…”
Yet I’ve written more in this one post than the KitPvP manager has written in the last six months since making that post. Got it. The standards were stated himself yet they have not been met. Not a single thing said in over three months. These are real results, I’m not making this up.
A newsletter team that has not yet posted the December newsletter even though it’s January 4. In fact, in the year 2022, not a single MONTHLY newsletter, was posted at the ending or starting day of the month. Go look if you don’t believe me. Guys…we’re already well into the new month and forgot about last month. Would you please post that stupid thing at the correct time? You know what:
newsletter team gets an emoji for this one. And yes I talked privately about this…and no the issue is not fixed. But I did the newsletter by myself for 11 months straight and did it JUST FINE! An entire team can’t do better than me, or even keep up the pace? Come on…not the newsletter too, I loved that!
Build Team Management which I’m not going to repeat myself on but you can read it here. Applications pending for months huh…seem like good management to any of you?
I’m seeing failure across the board:
- Lack of effective leadership and maintaining of basic standards
- Lack of skills in communicating with the community on a basic level (probably within the ranks too)
- Lack of actually passionate people that are good at what they do
Great job management team! Gee guys, I wonder why Munchy has been going downhill! I can laugh at all this because, like I keep on trying to tell all of you, it’s not complicated. Start letting the community know what’s going on. Reply to the build applications in a timely manner. Get that newsletter out on time. Give us some faith. Start being a LEADER. This is low-hanging fruit people. Once we get the basics down, maybe then we can start lifting some spirits around here and getting things on track. There’s a reason why current staff, former staff, and faithful players, and everyone in between agrees with these issues.
A great place to start would be replying to this thread. Don’t worry–I got this one.
Is it really that hard? This is what basic leadership looks like. Addressing the community, promising to be better, and, most importantly to me, a little bit of humility in admitting that you are not perfect. Why am I being cocky with writing their own response? Because it’s not complicated. This is half the solution right here. I’m trying to show all of you if you would just put in some simple work, this community would be so much better off.
But for now, standards continue to slip, people continue to leave (Like 3 GOOD community members made forum posts leaving in the last week alone) because they are seeing this themselves, and the community continues to lose faith in those that are charged with keeping this server alive.