Hi! I’m DREX0R but I also go by DREX for short I am leader of the best clan WOOLWARS POOPERS! I am a Kitpvp and a survival player mainly, but I lean to Kitpvp because that’s where I started to get known! On Kitpvp I am hailed as the king of Kitpvp and also known as grandmaster DREX on survival. I’m a person who joined this server after searching for Kitpvp servers but started playing when I got into woolwars making my infamous clan woolwars poopers because I used to poop on people in woolwars but then 2 months after I became a Kitpvp main which the name is now a little ironic lol.
Here’s some cool facts on munchy about me. I am the #1 poster of 2023 in quantity and up to you for quality ;). My goal on here is to provide entertainment for others but I also like to be humorous with others so I can get very silly sometimes, and I LOVE to get into shenanigans on the server so hit me up if you want some tomfoolery.
I have created a lot of forum posts and currently one of the fastest growing people on the forums which mean i have created a couple of different forum posts series. Some of these are general questions I ask munchy players, tierlists, munchy meme Monday, snf my favorite and the fan favorite polls of the month!
I play a lot of the game modes and log on woolwars to play with friends and prison just to say hi to friends but the game modes I actually play are survival and Kitpvp, I may play more survival but my heart always will belong to kit from a lot of good times there. But I guess I’m “technically” a forums main and the fact I change my excellent forum pfp’s out doesn’t exactly go against that…….
I have gotten second place in munchy of the year for 2023, Nearly won too and had over 25% of all votes! I still am shooting for munchy of the year 2024 and already I have been making more quality oriented topics so if you see em respond already!
I’m almost always up for chatting and my discord is drex0r if you need me or just wish to chat. Woolwars Poopers!