4th Year Anniversary

Today, four years ago, I jumped into Munchy for the first time! Since then, I had unforgettable laughs, awesome new friends, and more learning than I ever expected.
Every moment, good or messy, is a memory I’ll hold onto.
I won’t call anyone out by name, but you all know who you are. :sparkling_heart: Thank you for being the amazing friends who made Munchy a welcoming community. Love you all! :hugs:

Special person 1

Hey Friendior! I met you 4 years ago, but I can say I have known you for 2 now. I never ever imagined that we could be best friends, but we managed to get there. You have been there for me through the good and the bad, the laugh and the cry, and every major milestone. I am happy in you now and forever. :hugs:

Special person 2

Hey Friendosy! I was always fascinated by your aura. You always can pull people and create a friendly environment where everyone can enjoy and participate. I am always motivated by your commitment and sometimes your nerdiness. ~~pew pew :baguette_bread:

Special person 3

Hey Friendmamamia! For some reason, I thought you were a girl for almost half of season 3, that egirl skin suits you. We managed to go through storms from one friend group to another and stayed friends. Let’s have more fun - when you are not so busy cz for some reason you always are- LOL :pizza:

Special person 4

Hey Friendpipi! I am still waiting on my flamethrower, get to work… :fire:

Special person 5

Hey :penguin: ! When are you coming back ??!??!?!?


Happy 4-year anniversary You legend, and all the other years to come!!
Stay amazing, or I will have to come bully you :conksunglasses:


happy birthday!!!


Happy birthday Moumik! :D :tada:


Ohhhhh c’est mignon. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Merci pour la mention et joyeux munchyversaire~ t’as toujours été une personne drôle et fantastique ! Continue de briller et de rendre Survival un endroit meilleur pour toushhhh~ :blush:


Happy Birthday! :sunglasses:

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