I don’t remember if munchy ever had a similar thing, but I’m going to make an idea post about it,
since it doesn’t exist, at least at the moment.
The Idea’s Title:
/afk command.
How it works?
If a player types /afk in the chat, he’ll go to (AFK) mode, and a message appears in the chat that says
(a certain player is now AFK)(This message is only visible in the gamemode’s own chat)
If a player tags this particular player in chat while he is in AFK mode, a notification
will appear in his chat that says (this player is currently AFK)
when a player who is in AFK mode moves, he then exits AFK mode and a notification appears
in the chat that says (a certain player is no longer afk) This way the players would know that
this particular player is no longer afk.
If this idea raised questions in you, don’t be shy and leave your opinion in the comments, I’d love to read them!
Well. On survival, when you have to afk, you just say it, and also say back when you’re back. I don’t think a whole command is necessarily especially since the message will be moved up by chat and people would forget if you were afk or not.
(My experience, even when I say afk with a huge bold coloured italic flashy thingy text, people would still damn message me and hug me…)
Yeah, you guys know who you are. When I’m afk, I wanna be alone.
Add this command lol. I assume it’s not a me thing but getting told something by someone who doesn’t know ur afk is just annoying af, and adding a command like this would solve this problem.
Aaaaaa forgot to edit my reply. There were a lot of discussions that involved having AFK displayed as a badge just like on survival, which would make it work pretty well!
Have talked to Ave about this idea and I still find it very neat!
I believe it’s a cool command, since people often just stay or are AFK. (Same goes for me, I’m AFK a lot :D)
I’d like to see such a command get added soon! Maybe even global wide across all the servers.
Personally, I do like the idea of an afk command. However, I would rather it not be in chat but just a note next to your name in tab (i.e. kaittt[AFK]). The actual message is just unnecessary in my opinion due to the way people already announce if they’re AFK (and they’ll most likely get annoying), plus this would really help if you’re trying to communicate with specific players.
I notice a lot cool ideas being -1’d for not being ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL AND GAMECHANGING.
When I was in BIT team so many little QOL changes were put down despite there being absolutely no viable reason for them NOT to be added. I’d really like to see this command in the game, as it would only provide benefits.