An Introduction to Skills

Getting started

Skills are designed to make your gameplay more unique and enjoyable. Each Class is tailored to a specific activity or play style. You can mix and match classes to your liking or you can focus all your attention on leveling up and mastering every class at once.

To get started, you must select your first skill. Everyone starts with one skill point that can be used to unlock a base class. Don’t stress about your choice too much, you will unlock all of the base classes over time. We recommend starting with the Tools Expert or Creature Hunter classes!

Use /skill to unlock new skills and to track your progress.


Each base and advanced class unlocks a new way for you to earn experience. Since there is a daily experience limit of 25,000 for each class, you must perfect all of them to get the maximum amount of daily experience.

Every 5 levels, you earn a skill point which can be used to unlock a new class. Base classes cost 1 skill point, advanced classes cost 2 skill points, and ultimate classes cost 3 skill points. Furthermore, the advanced and ultimate classes require you to first unlock 2 classes of a lower tier! If you ever change your mind about your class selection, you can buy back your skill points for gold and explore a new branch of your skill tree instead.

Of course, the experience required to level up grows very fast very quickly. This makes it relatively easy to unlock and experience one ultimate class, but unlocking all classes requires serious dedication to the grind. Only the very best can become a master of all!


Base Classes


Creature Hunter

Creature Hunters gain experience by killing hostile mobs, which their abilities aid them in.

Iron Resilience

Take 10% reduced damage from all hostile mobs besides bosses.

Spoils of War

Gain bonus loot when killing hostile mobs:

  • Creepers can drop tnt
  • Elder Guardian can drop Heart of the Sea
  • Ghast can drop a fire charge
  • Silverfish can drop iron nuggets
  • Slimes can drop a slime block
  • Witches always drop a random potion
  • Zombie villagers can drop emeralds

Craftsmen gain experience by using their abilities to craft custom items.

Colorful Creations

Can craft cobwebs, nametags, chainmail armor, horse armor, and saddles.

Gourmet Expertise

Craft delicious custom foods with high saturation.


Farmers gain experience by harvesting crops and killing animals.

Tender Touch

When using a hoe, farmers cannot destroy crops that are still growing.

Harvest Harmony

When breaking a crop, have a 35% chance to automatically replant it.

Bountiful Yield

Loot from passive mobs is increased by 100%.

Tools Expert

Tools Experts gain experience whenever they showcase their tool mastery by catching fish or mining ores.


For 10 seconds, gain a mining speed boost. Activated by right-clicking with your pickaxe.


Chance to find materials when digging.


Chance to find treasures when fishing.

Advanced Classes



Alchemists gain experience whenever they brew a potion.

Required Classes: Farmer and Creature Hunter.

Elixir Artisan

Using the Alchemy Table, you can craft advanced potions by adding the following ingredients to an awkward potion:

  • Amethyst Shard: Haste (1:00)
  • Shulker Shell: Levitation (0:30)
  • Scute: Resistance (3:00)
  • Wither Rose: Wither (0:30)
  • Echo Shard: Darkness (0:30)
  • Golden Nugget: Absorption (3:00)
  • Prismarine Shard: Mining Fatigue (0:30)
  • Glow Berries: Glowing (3:00)
Alchemy Accelerant

Potions brew twice as fast.

Potion Master

Potion effects apply for 50% longer when you drink them.


Builders gain experience by crafting building blocks, i.e., using a loom, stone cutter, or dying blocks.

Required Classes: Farmer and Craftsman.

Landlord's Discount

Claiming cost is reduced by 20%.

Crystal Shaper

Can instantly mine any glass blocks.

Illuminator's Touch

Can craft light blocks.

Fungal Fabrication

Can craft mushroom blocks.


Explorers gain experience by looting items from chests and suspicious blocks.

Required Classes: Craftsman and Creature Hunter.

Wayfinder's Arsenal

Can craft structure compasses that point towards the nearest structure of a certain kind by combining a compass with a pottery sherd:

  • Angler: Ocean Monument
  • Archer: Pillager Outpost
  • Burn: Desert Temple
  • Danger: Ancient City
  • Explorer: Trail Ruins
  • Miner: Mineshaft
  • Plenty: Jungle Temple
Treasure Seeker's Eye

You can explore 56% more of the extra worlds.


Forgemasters gain experience when repairing items and smelting ore in their blast furnaces.

Required: Tools Expert and Craftsman.

Master Repairs

Using an anvil, you can fully repair any items with just one ingredient and no experience.

Super Breaker+

Double the duration of your Super Breaker.


Chance to find treasures when digging.

Refined Metallurgy

You can repair and combine items in your anvil that would otherwise be too expensive.

The Forge's Favor

When smelting ores in your blast furnace, have a chance equal to your level divided by 250 to get a second ingot.


Shepherds gain experience by breeding and taming passive mobs.

Required Classes: Farmer and Tools Expert.

Animal Whisperer

Instantly tame passive mobs.

Fertile Pastures

When breeding mobs, there is a 50% chance for them to have twins.

Swift Herder

Any mounts are 50% faster when you ride them.


Spellweavers gain experience when enchanting and disenchanting items.

Required Classes: Creature Hunter and Tools Expert.

Arcane Forge

Spellweavers can use the Ancient Enchanter which lets them enchant books for 150 gold and 150 experience. You can always pick from 3 random options of the following.

Common enchantments have a 4.25% chance of appearing:

  • Smite 6
  • Bane of Arthropods 6
  • Sweeping Edge 4
  • Loyalty 4
  • Unbreaking 4
  • Blast Protection 5
  • Fire Protection 5
  • Projectile Protection 5
  • Depth Strider 4
  • Respiration 4
  • Frost Walker 3
  • Thorns 4
  • Soul Speed 4
  • Fire Aspect 3
  • Impaling 6
  • Riptide 4
  • Luck of the Sea 4
  • Lure 4
  • Quick Charge 4
  • Piercing 5

Uncommon enchants have a 1.5% chance of appearing:

  • Fortune 4
  • Sharpness 6
  • Smite 7
  • Bane of Arthropods 7
  • Power 6
  • Sweeping Edge 5
  • Feather Falling 5
  • Thorns 5
  • Swift Sneak 4
  • Looting 4

Ultimate Classes


Required Classes: Spellweaver and Explorer

Relic Hunter's Fortune

When looting Structures, you can find powerful relics with reduced durability that cannot be repaired.


  • Fortune 10 Iron Pickaxe (2%)
  • Efficiency 10 Iron Pickaxe (2%)
  • Efficiency 10 Iron Shovel (4%)

Village Blacksmiths

  • Efficiency 10 Iron Pickaxe (1%)
  • Efficiency 10 Iron Shovel (1.5%)
  • Efficiency 10 Iron Axe (1.5%)
  • Thorns 10 Chain Armour Pieces (2% each)
  • Protection 10 Leather Armour Pieces (2% each)

Ocean Ruins

  • Riptide 10 Trident (2%)
  • Lure 10 & Luck of the Sea 10 Fishing Rod (2%)
  • Power 10 Bow (1%)
  • Thorns 10 Chain Armour Pieces (1% each)
  • Protection 10 Leather Armour Pieces (1% each)
Ancient Discoveries

When looting Trail Ruins, you have a 1% chance of finding one of the following gadgets from previous seasons. These gadgets have reduced durability and cannot be repaired.

  • Grappling Hook
  • Poison Dart Shooter
  • Flower Pickaxe
  • Mermaid Shovel
  • Icecream Scooper
  • Gold Digger
Dual Blade Mastery

When equipping two weapons, decrease the attack cooldown of your main weapon by 50%.


Required Classes: Builder and Explorer.

Master Builder's Craft

Using the Carpenter’s Table, you can craft custom furniture items for 50 gold each.

Efficient Masonry

When crafting building materials, get 100% increased drops. Considered as building materials are:

  • Dyed Terracotta
  • Dyed Concrete Powder
  • Dyed Glass
  • Blocks obtained through the Stone Cutter
  • Wooden Planks
  • Lecterns
  • Chiseled Bookshelves
Artistic Stewardship

Gain access to flight by using the /fly command in any claim.

Artisanal Artistry

Gain the ability to edit Armor Stand Poses with /editarmorstands.


Required Classes: Shepherd and Alchemist

Wild Tamer

Beastmasters can tame, ride, and control any mobs (excluding bosses).

Eternal Guardian

Can stop pets from aging by feeding them a potion of Eternal Youth.
Potions of Eternal Youth can be brewed using an Echo Shard in the Alchemy table.

Ferocious Augmenter

Can permanently increase pet’s maximum health by feeding them a potion of Vitality.
Potions of Vitality can be brewed using an Enchanted Golden Apple in the Alchemy table.

Beastly Allies

All of your pets fight for you against hostile mobs. By feeding them a potion of Beastly Rage, they will even attack players for 3 minutes.
Potions of Beastly Rage can be brewed using a Pufferfish in the Alchemy table.

Incubation Mastery

Using the Incubator, hatch any egg at increased speed. Currently does not work for dragon eggs due to a Minecraft bug.


Required Classes: Explorer and Shepherd.

Exclusive Emporium

Gain access to VIP shops in the mall. VIP shops are bigger than normal shops and are visited every day by an NPC who wants to buy three random rare items for gold.

Savvy Negotiator

Get a 20% discount on all NPC shops.


Required classes: Spellweaver and Alchemist.

Efficient Excavator

Gain a permanent 25% mining speed boost.

Diligent Digger

Spawn a mining turtle that will slowly but automatically excavate the entire chunk it was placed in.

Explosive Extraction

Right-clicking TNT with your pickaxe will cause an explosion in a large radius, leaving any ores behind for you to collect.

Fortunate Finances

The Fortune Enchantment works on gold ore but with decreased effectiveness. In particular, there is a ( [fortune level] / 12) chance to get 2 raw gold and a ( [fortune level]^2 / 1000) chance to get 3 raw gold.


Required Classes: Builder and Forgemaster

Eternal Vigilance

Using a Chunk Loader, keep a chunk fully loaded for the next 24 hours.

Materials Compiler

Using a Compactor, recycle gold armor and tools and compact them into raw gold blocks.


Several of the classes use Workstations. These are sold by the NPC “Douglas” at spawn for gold. To use any of these workstations, you must first unlock the corresponding class:

  • Alchemist Table (Alchemist)
  • Chunk Loader (Industrialist)
  • Mining Turtle (Miner)
  • Gold Compactor (Industrialist)
  • Ancient Enchanter (Enchanter)
  • Carpenter’s Bench (Architect)
  • Incubator (Beastmaster)

first omg

I dont need an introduction to this :fire::fire::fire::muscle::muscle::smirk_cat::smirk_cat::smirk_cat::100::100::100:

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you need an introduction to an introduction to skills

Cool system and I applaud you for it for sure but I’m a little let down not gonna lie, I thought it would be slightly more generic like fighter, barbarian, rogue, ranger, wizard, etc. I think it’s cool still but aww

So you’re missing combat classes?

Bro’s mad at munchy for being creative :question:


bros giving a review on updates like gordon ramsay


I just expected from the crossword puzzle clue you teased there would be classes listed in there lol.
Like don’t get me wrong I think the classes are quite unique and I haven’t played the season obviously so I’ll save my full thoughts til then.

RIP McMMO. Just kidding, this seems epic!

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crafting light blocks, edit armor stands, new shop mechanics, and we’re getting the tuff blocks from 1.21 :face_holding_back_tears: yessssss


hey I just have a question :in builder class it says u can insta break glass but does it totally breaks or is it like silk touch?
also in archeologists are the “relics” tools or something else?

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Depends on the tool you use, and the relics are the items listed in Relic Hunter’s Fortune.

tyyy sry but I have other questions now XD
-in merchant do accessing vip shops mean buy em or can’t u just not access em at all without the ability?

-in miner you have smthing simillar to blast mining but does it only leaves ore blocks or other blocks like stone and ect?
sowwy agaiiin

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You cannot rent VIP shops without Merchant class. And the explosion is a regular explosion, but bigger.



What type of pizza are y’all eating :sob:???


Great informative post :grinning:, I just have a few questions

Under Creature Hunter skill is a perk called “Ruthless Hunter” but it’s not listed here. What does it do?

Under Tool Expert’s fishing perk it says you can find treasures but when the special sound plays all I ever seem to pull up is wooden tools, leather armor, and lapis. Is there a hidden leveling mechanic to the skill or am I in the wrong fishing spot or is that really all the treasure for that perk?

Can you reveal how Beastmaster tames mobs with Wild Tamer, or is that a secret puzzle where the first guy to pick that perk just has to try feeding everything to 'em lol?


I’m not too sure what this perk is :(

As you level up, you’ll get better treasures

I’m not sure about this but personally I’ll be feeding them @Candlea


With the love potion!

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