Anyone wondering how to use colored text in the forums, heres how!

“[ color=color name or hex code]Your text![/color]”

  • Note that "[ color= does not have a space between the “[” and “color”.

  • also quotes arent needed.

so for example:

“[color=0F2CF2]HELLO!!![/color ]”
________________________ ^
________________________ make shure there is no space here.

HELLO!!! = [color=0F2CF2]HELLO!!![/color ]

Text fonts/ styles:

  • <b> - Bold text do " < b> yo " = yo (make shure to not have the space between < and b.
  • <del> - Deleted text (highlights the text red) " < del>" = yooooo
  • <ins> - Inserted text (highlights the text green) “< ins> yo” yoooo
  • <sub> - Subscript text “< sub> yo” = yo
  • <sup> - Superscript text “< sup> yo” = yo

I hope this helps you a little when you chat on the forums and good luck :smiley:


Great guide! Just if you didn’t know there already is

But this is still very informative, thanks!


I never saw that post, I might delete this one then because that post is much more informative :D.

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Very informative! That guide linked there is just for colors, but I actually didn’t know some of this (i.e. <sub> and <sup>! This guide is very good! :D

NOOOOO the secrets have been disclosed :(


Locking since this already exists