Best Troll Combos

Purgatory has many trolls, however the possibilities are expanded when you combine them together. In this guide I will list all the best combos I know, and what they do. (disclaimer: these are mostly for people who have Elite or legend rank)

Kill Combos

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This one is my favorite, first you should wait till the player is not sprint running, as if they are walking too fast then they could avoid the combo. The way this works is the player is first given slowness and mining fatigue, then they are webbed, and after that you use the tnt. The first two prevent escape from the web, or make it inpossible to get far from the tnt before it explodes. The tnt troll is highly avoidable, however when given the correct debuffs it can create the most effective combo for killing.

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This one eliminates the weakness of the first, as this one can be done while the player is running, the only weakness with this combo is the terrain. First wait for the player to be in an area with at least 4 blocks of solid ground below them, then use the mining fatigue and mole as fast as possible. A player loses all ten hearts in 9.5 seconds when suffocating in a block, the mining fatigue prevents them from breaking a block for 10 seconds. This one must be done very fast however under the right circumstances it’s perfect.

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This troll if best used when a player is somewhat stationary. First slow the player and web them, then use the lava troll. The lava troll turns the block which the player is looking at to lava, this makes the web turn to lava and the slowness makes it hard to escape.

Funny Combos

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This combo is hilarious. First you put the player in a pit then give them mining fatigue and slowness to prevent escape, then quickly use the last three trolls and watch as the player tries to switch to their sword to kill the mobs as their inventory scrambles every half second. (you could also web the player after all the trolls so they have to switch to their sword)

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This one is perfect for players travelling on the spawn paths, but will work anywhere. First use Infection to disorient the player then use smokescreen to effectively blind them, while they are disoriented use the flip. I use this a lot and it rarely fails to flip the player around without them noticing.

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This one is only useable by staff members, first use the slow/web/mining fatigue, then use the secret troll and watch them try and get to it, the troll should end before they can get out.

If you have any other good comments reply and tell me about them!


Jmods + only :weary:

Overall very nice guide, with some interesting ways I never used!

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Hackers love you dont they…

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The two kill combos I use most often is #2 but I teleport to them after using Mole and then use the Obsidian troll on them so they can’t break out, and I also like doing Smokescreen + TNT when someone’s in a tight enough spot where they wouldn’t want to move much until the smokescreen wears off so they can see where to get out, I believe smokescreen also hides the sound of TNT.


Great Guide and some hilarious trolls Heliz! I only wish I had elite so that I could try them all out… but I’m still going to use these on a tonne of players. Thanks! :heart:

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Smokescreen + TNT usually works aswell
(edit - just noticed atterax already said this one ^)

Even simple ones like just the speed troll on people running work, because of how hard to control it is people often go flying off the bedrock platform.

Good guide! :+1:


yall are evil

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I didn’t know you could do that, I’ll definitely try it! The smoke screen too.

Players who play on purg for a while usually have explosion effects turned off, so it doesn’t always work tho :/

Purg mains

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Something I’ve done a few times with a friend is having one of us go into adventure mode and start fighting the hackers, and then the second one uses either the flip troll or the hotbar scrambler troll on them. I once spent half an hour holding them back in an intense 2v5 where one of the hackers was actively b-hopping.

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this is an interesting concept! i like it!!

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