I’m gonna change my clan’s tag so let me know what I should change it to and please add in color codes to make it cool :) winner of this gets a prize. Sorry I main in survival so It will prob be a crate item or player head. It might be a tag I’ll have to see.
Another idea that is probably better (again this might not be correct)
wow typing poggers! with color codes is difficult
I believe using color chat doesn’t count as “letters” being used up but what I wanted to know was how certain clans have long tags…Unless that is a special ability for mods/admins
Ok McDonalds wins. The reason: I was already thinking of this exact tag before he posted this and I was like that’s pretty nice but only if McDonalds approves that it isn’t “copying” his clan Monke. GG @McDonalds! Msg me here on forums to claim your prize :D