I have been gathering up some Ideas after making some maps and playing so much of GameMaker so I’ll try to list all of them.
1-A new command like /editor invite but more powerful
A system to put persons on a trusted list that have access to the map even if you are offline.
Sometimes its difficult to work with friends on different timezones, it would make things much easier and said list could also be shown at the maps descriptions to know everyone that worked on the map.
2-Checks on blocks
There were a couple of game’s ideas I had that ended up not happening because they would rely on the game knowing which block the player placed or maybe where it was placed.
It would be nice for some guessing games or even puzzles!
Or checks if a block were attacked by say a arrow/snowball then it changes color (Paintball?)
3-Checks on entities
If it would ever be possible to put properties or checks onto the entities we can now summon… it would have A LOT of possibilities, checking if an entity died, entered a region, killed a player, making it give a property to player if it hits them.
4-Storage for published maps
There is times a map is done, done. Not much to add, no bugs to clear, so I think a “Storage” section where you could send your maps to could fit in nicely.
Just like we have the Trash can, and it clears a map slot instantly, we could have a “Store” section, we put maps there, it clears a slot but also clears our ability to edit the map, at least until we clear map spaces again and pick it up back from the “Storage” I feel like it would help a lot with the map limiting problems
Sorry for making it too long ;-; but I wanted to explain them and the ideas kinda gathered up over the days and I was still to make a post