Cuzimagod's Media Rank Application

My ign: Cuzimagod
My irl name : Michael McKim

I have over 7000 followers on instagram

I want media rank, because I love this server. I want to have this rank and use it, because I want to make a YouTube channel soon, and with a media rank it will help with that.

I have not made anything with munch yet, but I am planning on in the future.

I have done an insta live on HoaxMC before, it did very well and actually got over 5000 viewers. I think that munchy has much more to do, so it would probably do even better on munchy.

Hey @Cuzimagod!
I don’t think you fully understood the concept of Media rank on MunchyMC.

You need to already have a YouTube/Twitch Channel and you have to have created regular content about MunchyMC.
If you haven’t already, make sure to read the requirements of Media rank.

Greetings and Good Luck anyways!

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Oh, so it has to be YouTube? I thought that it didn’t matter if it YouTube, insta, twitch, discord, etc. I am so sorry for wasting your time.

It doesn’t have to be YouTube, but I don’t think Instagram is an option, correct me if I’m wrong.
Twitch is also an option I’m pretty sure.

Yes twitch is also an option, munchy have some media rank twitch streamers :smiley:

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Application denied. Unfortunately, Instagram cannot be used to get the Media rank on Munchy. If you have any questions you can review the media requirements here, or message me on discord. NoEffortName#3750

Please wait 1 month before reapplying.