Diablodesu - Media Application

~Channel link: https://www.youtube.com/c/Diablodesu and https://www.youtube.com/@DiabloDevYT

~Number of subs/followers: 950

~Average number of views/viewers last 10 videos and/or streams: 264

~How long you have been creating content for Munchy and/or other servers?: 5 years

~Servers for which you have created content: MunchyMC, Hypixel

~Why would you like to join the Media Team? What makes you a good candidate for the team? I believe it will widen my horizons in the content creation space, and allow me to meet new people, and experience new things.

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Cool channel, but I see little to no content on munchy.

Good luck nonetheless!

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Hi there Diablodesu!

We appreciate your interest in the Media rank, but unfortunately we’re going to have to deny your application for now.

We made this decision because we see no recent Munchy content on any of your channels.

We’d love to see you re-apply in the future, but please wait at least 1 month before doing so!