Dear survivalists, devs, admins, and everyone in-between,
Good morning MunchyMC community, specifically the survival sector. As we all know, /fly has been a beloved command of the ++ players for generations. However, I was saddened, and kinda annoyed, to see it was nerfed in S5 when I first joined a few days ago.
This is my petition to bring back the old /fly. I can hear many of you exclaiming, “bro shut up, just get on with the reasons”, so I will.
When I paid for my ++ rank, I was under the assumption that /fly would stay how it was. Making it similar to how KitPVP’s works makes the perk worth less in my opinion.
It’s extremely annoying to be flying in a cave, have a skeleton spawn, then die because you got dropped down. Once again, it doesn’t meet the expectation of getting what I paid for last season.
If you’re flying above lava, aren’t looking at your hunger, you’re just screwed into paying gold for a mistake that’s common.
It has gotten to a point where an elytra - a free item in the game - is a better solution than the $50 perk.
I wouldn’t be complaining as much if hunger didn’t go down as fast. Having it go down faster than how Minecraft has it is just a massive slap in the face in my opinion.
The goal of this post isn’t to be a cry baby, but rather explain why I believe it should either:
Be reverted to the old system for all ++ players
Be reverted to the old system for ++ players that had the rank when it was like this previously
Thank you for attending my TedTalk. Feel free to discuss your thoughts in the comments, or give reasons to why it should be reverted… or just call me an idiot, I don’t care.
Sincerely, your favorite part of a player,
MunchyMC Survival Enthusiast,
est S3
at this point maybe it would be nice to have an option to toggle between the old /fly and the new /fly
I mean why not just leave it up to the players whether they want their experience in munchy be more challenging or not??? somebody like me(who literally can’t parkour to save one’s life and has the slowest reflex ever), it is NOT fun to be falling down in a cave and trying to mlg
The parkour pros can leave their /fly like this but let the kids (and adults with lame gaming skills) have fun w/o stressing too much… it’s not like loosing all ur minerals is genuinely fun after all
I get the point of the /nerf: to make it more challenging and not overpowered. However, /fly isn’t really overpowering. It’s a useful tool which justified me paying the $50 or so to get it.
I guess I’ll have to be the annoying person that just comes in here to say “You’ll get used to it”.
Sure it was a bit annoying at first but it truly isn’t that bad. I do also think it adds a balance to survival rather then just free flying all over.
I agree with this, fly was one of the things that created a major gap between players who didnt or couldnt for varrious reasons pay the 50$ for it. It evens the playing feild and alows non rank players to not feel quite so left behind in the dust, which welcomes more people to play overall imo.
Stop depending on /fly so much. if u feel like ur hunger bar is going down to fast start carrying more food or smth.
any1 who hates the /fly change is either a cry baby or depends on fly to much… yes I will admit I don’t play that often so maybe I just don’t understand like y’all do, but I know enough to say just cope with this change. You’ll get used to it.
also not trying to hate on u or anything, im just being honest
Flight needed a balance to reduce the gap, and people got used to it. Even better, there has been items that really make it so that you have the old fly (Summer set + Trick or treat pail) and I’m not even including the amount of flight tokens you get from daily rewards. xD
not to mention, if you get the infinite sustenance perk from a championship crate, you effectively get 2 weeks of old fly (excluding the /fly each time a mob hits you)
/fly is pointless now they’ve nerfed it that much. Why not remove it fully? I’ve also seen people say stuff like championship crates and fly tokens but this isn’t what the topic is about why should we have to use the free items we get in game when we brought a rank with irl money yes some of us irl dealed for the rank but a person has still spent money at the end of the day?
I believe that they have made some fair points; after all, what I’ve(and many others) paid for is the old /fly, not the new, nerfed version of it. Honestly if I knew that rank perks including /fly and keepinventory could be removed/nerfed I wouldn’t have spent this much money from the first place. I get that rebalancing the perks and narrowing the gap between rankers and non-rankers were necessary, but it feels like the management overall was very poorly done, especially as we never got a proper compensation nor apology about the matter.
It would’ve been better if ranks were sold with a noticeable disclaimer that the perks are not ensured to stay as is permenantly and could be changed/nerfed/removed in the future.
Because you don’t have to use it if you hate it. Not because you think it’s pointless that everyone shares that POV. Silly!
You aren’t required to use them if you don’t wanna feel past flight experience. If you can bring a shield and food alongside your trip, there’s no need for you to seek for flight tokens.
But if you really do not wish to do such fairly easy tasks, those are free items to use.
Summer set
Mobs don’t attack you anymore. Comes from summer crates. Many pieces were in circulation during that time, ultimately if your friend has a set, you can borrow it!
Trick or treat pail
You can literally ask @amy2017 about the pail, mine comes from her, it’s literally infinite saturation. The only worry you’d have after it would be mobs but if it’s about building, nothing can knock you off.
Flight tokens
You cannot imagine the amount of 10 minutes flight tokens you gain in a few days. On top of that, if you don’t claim rewards, other people do sell them. I had over 30 flight tokens sold on my shop and there’s probably gonna be other days where I’ll get 10 In one go!
Ch reward. You cannot be killed and mobs don’t knock you down.
Infinite saturation
Ch reward. As the name says it all.
Architect class
Many people are level 50 already so complaining about grinding being hard… mhh… I don’t think this excuse stands a point anymore.
You haven’t played in a while, and it is not to invalidate your points, but some people that were skeptical kept playing, got items and perks like such to actually have fun and get used to it. If you just don’t put any efforts and wish to not play because of what I would personally consider a minor change, would be hard to help ya.
what scop said.
unlimited fly without ways to get disabled made it extremely op and p2w. Yall depend on fly so much that many have forgotten fly doesnt exist in vanilla survival. Just carry more food and watch for mobs, it aint that hard
This was my breaking point for quitting. It was a very good decision to just quit and leave and I haven’t logged on since then. They shouldn’t have messed with the biggest perk of the rank. I applaud you for making this post, and I wish you a good time on Munchy, but think about if you’re really still having a good time.
That’s kinda the point. I paid money so I’d have a special perk.
When you’re building or mining, you can’t always move to dodge skeletons, and it gets annoying to stop what you’re doing every minute to kill spiders, skeletons, creepers, etc.