Howdy. Haven’t spoken up on here in a while. Just thought I would let you know there is an exploit being performed in Kits to allow players of any kit to fly and not come down after being hit. I couldn’t figure out what was being done, I think they were doing something with the sponges. An event staff was on (I believe Lead) but didn’t seem to be able to speak to or do anything, just suggested I report if I thought they were cheating. I was trying to ask what they were doing to reproduce and got hit with responses like alt+f4 etc and just got teased with them not actually cooperating Know this server is kinda dead but thought I would pass along. First noticed this being done by an archer and then others followed.
that is the intended behavior of sponges on kit. they are meant to displace the player via launching them into the sky regardless of if they are hit or not
edit: also for future reference, event members are not staff
These players were freely flying, not sponge launching.
edit to clarify they were able to raise and lower themselves as if they were falcon, except they remain airborne after taking damage.
that describes the behavior of sponge launching. the sponge that the individuals in question were using (I know because I was online at time) is configured to launch completely vertically. The launch is not negated by hitting them. If you have any further questions or would like me to demonstrate this for you on the server, please DM me. I will be locking this post.