
I have an idea an idea for forum based mods to check if the discussion has been made before. It would also be nice to have necro posts deleted as soon after the post is made so they dont flood the posts. We don’t need all these non moderator forum mods who pretend to have power. We need some certified helpers to HELP us. Many people are confused and want help. Last post for tonight. I’ll post a bunch tomorrow. Cya.
Edit: Just to specify I meant that I’m tired of people that aren’t mods telling people off and stuff.
Edit 2: The hell is wrong with the people that aren’t mods that are giving me crap? I literally just said in the first edit that I’m tired of these kids. Im done lol.


There are plenty of people available to help here- forum moderators, in game helpers, moderators, even normal players.

I don’t know what you mean by this… because forum moderators do have perms.

In my opinion I think it’s fine as it is now. I don’t think a forum helper is necessary only because there are (like I said) plenty of staff members to answer a question if no normal player knows it.


On the forums we have got forum moderators, I don’t see someone creating a similar post about a topic too much of an issue for example if someone posted about a potential update for woolwars and other people made a similar post with other reasons it would help for that to be added.

You say ‘We need some certified helpers to HELP us.’ I want to say this is disrespectful towards the Helpers and any staff member on the network in all honesty as you are saying they are useless what isn’t true. If you are seeking help you can message us in a number of places listed below:

  • In-game

  • Discord

  • Teamspeak

  • On the Forums

  • Support Tickets

There are many ways for players to ask for help as I said I feel this is kind of rude of you to say that the staff team isn’t ‘certified’ when every staff member puts their full effort into their roles and helping the community.


There are already some staff members who are part of the official forum moderation team as you can see on the staff list, the senior mods and admins are automatically part of this group as well. We don’t always have to check if a discussion has been had before and close a topic if it has because the new topic could revive the discussion with newer ideas and members of the community, and we likely won’t have necroposts be deleted automatically because in some situations it is needed and/or allowed. If by “all these non moderator forum mods” you mean the normal players trying to help then they are absolutely allowed to do so and there is not one thing wrong with that, if someone doesn’t give proper guidance then the staff members try their best to give their own. The entire staff team is certified to help you, if you really need help only from a staff member then you can contact one as said in the above reply.