Maybe the forums should have an annual event such as maybe most forum posts in the year, or most likes on one post in the year. And the winner would get maybe a free rank or money or any type of prize! But I think we should do something like that to encourage people to join the forums.
I agree that there should be something to make more people join the forums and these ideas are pretty good but have some flaws. For the first one, it would just lead to spam posting on every thing that comes out. People will just say a random thing and move on. As for the 2nd answer, it is better but it will lead to many alts. Some may know a certain someone on prison with basically infinite alts. To counter this flaw, I think you should be on munchy/munchy forums for at least 3-6 months before being able to chat.
I think theres already something like this, with Munchy of the year stuff. I’m not sure if there are any prizes, but they do announce the most active staff members, players, and posters on the forums, and also a poll for nominees.
There are tons of contests on the forums which do reward ranks, tags, etc. There’s also the 3.5k bonus tokens for registering your account.
Theres already motivation to participating in the forums, and you dont need everybody to be active 24/7. So I’m pretty neutral on this, but I wouldnt mind an opportunity for a free rank :)
Isnt that what forum mods are for?
Having to wait months to chat would just discourage others from joining and participating.
My point was that you should at least show some proof that you are not an alt. Having to wait some times was just a suggestion which shows that you are dedicated to the server and didn’t just join the server, make an alt, then leave. If there can be some proof then it will be fine
Again, forum mods. Also I dont think people would spend money on minecraft alts just to like their posts when they can spend effort on them and get way more.
@Vurm would win everything lmao
As you can see in this topic there is an annual “Munchies of the Year” thingy in which there’s a section that acknowledges the most active users/posts of the year, though I doubt there would ever be prizes given for these things.
Why should you get a prize for replying to every single forums post??
Vurm, Munchy of the Year
Ahhhh I wasn’t quite sure what that munchies of the year was for, sorry for speaking when ill informed, at least I know now!