Gift for BadBoyHalo - Thanksgiving Special! Video🦃💝 (Bad did see it)

:star2: BIG ANNOUNCEMENT! :star2:

:tada: The Thanksgiving gift for Bad Premiere is ALMOST HERE! :tada:

:turkey: When: TODAY at 3 PM EST
:desktop_computer: Where:

:boom: COME AND JOIN IF YOU CAN! :boom:

It’s going to be SO FUN to watch together—let’s celebrate and enjoy! :smile:

Happy Thanksgiving, Ghosties and muffins! :partying_face: In this special video, I share a heartfelt gift made just for BadBoyHalo to show Ghostie appreciation for all the laughter, kindness, and positivity he brings to the community. :sparkling_heart:


Wouldn’t it have been better as a Christmas gift?

I don’t do Christmas so that would have not worked out. In the song it says thankfully so that doesn’t match with the song.

Ahh ic

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Yeah and he did saw already so xd