Today I’ve finally desided to resign from my builder position and leave this wonderful community behind.
- Why? -
As many of you know I’ve been creating maps for the server long before becoming a builder on the team. Sadly my experience hasn’t been that great and caused me to lose interest with minecraft all togheter.
The main reason for losing interest is that I feel my work goes unappreciated on this server.
I’ll elaborate a bit:
Woolwars Map Submissions, for a long time I thought that it just wasn’t ever gonna happen. I’ve asked countless times to different people, when are the mapsubmissions getting reviewed? Unfortunately I never got a straight awnser from anyone. Now recently maps are starting to get reviewed but only for denied ones. I asked if this meant new maps are getting added and get ghosted by staff. It’s just not going anywhere.
Event Maps, I’ve made four event maps over the course of building on the munchy build server. One of them if not the best was my trial build, an oitc map. Naturally I was happy seeing that older and newer maps where getting added from the catalog. So I set out to get my maps added only for the same thing to happen as with the woolwars maps. What really did it for me on this one was seeing @TheBlueComet maps getting added instantly to the cycle and my own maps again going unnoticed. Now it seems they have stopped adding map and this was the last drop.
Some other minor things also contributed mainly to be put under the category Mikeal and commication but I can let that one slide since he is a busy man.
- Thanks! -
I’m not gonna make a list of everyone but there are some people that have really made my time amazing on here.
@Mikeal I really did like our conversations during my trial period, you seemed more in touch and I had a great time goofing about with you.
@noriskss Someone whos also gone underappreciated by staff is Henry. This dude is amazing. I’ve never met someone more enthusiastic and fun. You can get serious with him aswell and honestly puts in more time then most current staff members. He’s got munchys best interest at heart and one must be a moron to see this mans application and deny it twice over. Ill remember you buddy!
@zicraftian @MegaCuby they taught me what kitpvp is truely about, running around like a chicken without a head and just having a wonderful time. I have some great memories of you two and am grateful to have them.
- Unseen builds -
- Goodbye! -
Despite my reasons to resign I still had alot of fun on this server and am glad I took this chance to become part of this community. I wish the best for every single one of you in the future!
So long
– TheDutchKnot