Greenite's Helper Application (January 2022)

Prerequisite checklist:

- Have you been a regular player on MunchyMC for at least one month?:
Yes, I have joined on December 2019.

- Are you able to record and upload good quality videos of hackers?:
Yes, i am able to record cheaters with a decently good quality.

- Do you have TeamSpeak3 and Discord downloaded and are competent with them?:
I am very familiar with using discord and i’ve also used steamspeak couple times in the past, i would not say that im as familiar with Teamspeak than Discord.







UTC +2 (Finland)

Can you use a microphone for an interview?:

Yes, i can even thought i recently bought a new headset and havent used the microphone yet, but I will try my best to figure out how it works, but i will be using my old microphone if that doesnt work. Althought i am able i would personally prefer not to talk.

Role you are interested in (Helper or JMod):


Server you are interested in moderating (pick ONE):

Even thought I had been more active on kit in the past, I feel as woolwars would be a better place for me to start as theres less players on woolwars would make easier to manage, so i would like to moderate woolwars. Also I am familiar with the woolwars mechanics like kits.

How active can you be per week?

Monday 15.30-19.30 (4h)
Tuesday 14.30-19.30 (5h)
Wednesday 15.30-19.30 (4h)
Thursday 14.30-19.30 (5h)
Friday 14.30-19.30 (5h)
Saturday 13.00-19.00 (6h)
Sunday 13.00-19.00 (6h)
This schedule represents my normal times, when I can be online, but the times may change due to irl. situations, like school or vacation.

Do you have any punishments on our network? If so, please describe your side of story:

Yes, I have been banned once for a reason at 2019 December, or 2020 January, im not sure if i remembered the time correctly, but it was somewhere near those times. I was cheating on purgatory being inresponsible and got banned from the server. I highly regret that i did what i did, as it would highly affect my reputation for some time, also cheating isnt cool, i was just being dumb. I have also been false-banned on kitpvp before, while a shrek kit picked me up and i heard the Ares anvils, my lunar crashed and next thing you know, i was on purgatory, i made an appeal on the ban, but a friend of mine had bought me an unban not knowing i was falsely-banned at the time. I also were warned about a year ago, but i have learned from that.

Have you applied for this role before? If so, please explain the steps you have taken to improve as an applicant since your last application:

Yes, I have applied for helper in May 2021 staff applications, there wasnt much information given for the denial, but i feel as it was the fact that I wasnt that known in community yet, probably could’ve worked on my maturity more, and wasnt really experienced with forums. This is my first time appealing for a woolwars staff position thought.

What do you think your reputation is like within the community?

I would say my reputation on the server is pretty good, i’ve made many friends on my time on the server, have helped plenty of people across the server like in purgatory,kitpvp and woolwars couple times if I remember correctly i think it was about the crates and some kits. I am also pretty active on forums reading most of the topics and liking peoples posts. Im also very friendly on the server and havent been toxic in a long long time. Ive also helped some staff members reporting bugs and testing them, mostly some snowman bugs. Also most of the time, when i see that a new builder,staff member, etc… has joined the team I say ''Congrats on builder (or staff), or ‘‘gg on jmod’’ , also at the end of games i usually say gg, but sometimes I forget to say it.

Why are you interested in the role and what motivated you to apply?

The reason I wanted to apply for helper on woolwars was, that I’ve became less active on kitpvp resently as it has become boring personally for me, so I started to play woolwars more, and make friends on there, as I mentioned before, i feel as woolwars would be a easier place to start for me due to the lower playercount than kitpvp. I also want to help the community and get used to knowing some new people.

Out of 10 (with 10 being very knowledgeable), how would you rate your knowledge on moderating a community?

I would rate myself an 8, as I feel that i could handle moderating chat as a helper pretty easily, adding onto the smaller playercount, which would mean that there would be less things to manage, If I see a person spamming, flooding the chat, or bypassing the chat filter, for spamming and flooding I would firstly tell them to stop or I would have to warn them, if they continue to do it I would mute them first for 2 hours, if i see that they continue i would set the mute to 1 day. On the other if a player is bypassing the chat filter saying racial slurs etc. I would mute them for a day at first or ask how long the mute should be in staffchat from other staff members. I also am pretty familiar with the /mute command.

Out of 10 (with 10 being very knowledgeable), what would you rate your knowledge on Minecraft hacks and cheats, including finding and identifying cheaters?

9, althought there are some kits that might seem like cheats for example: anvil kit, that lets you take no knockback while sneaking, or feather kit while landing on wool, might seem like nofall at first, but i would take a closer kit at them seeing what kit theyre using, and inspecting closer, if the anvil kit user sneaks while taking no knockback and if the feather kit user takes fall damage while not landing on wool. Also auto-loot can be harder to detect as greedy kit exists. If im unsure if the player is cheating i would ask another staff member to come take a look at the suspicious person

Honorable mentions

Bug abuse : When the player is abusing a certain bug to gain an advantage over the other players.
Teaming : some players might team on woolwars which is not allowed
Heres some easier to notice cheats on woolwars


Scaffold : automaticly places blocks under the cheater.
Spider : Allows the cheater to climb walls like the spider mob.
Killaura / forcefield : Automaticly aims and hits at nearby players.
Bhop : Gives the cheater ability to bunnyhop
Reach : Gives the cheater longer hit range.
Autoclick : Allows the player to set a picked cps, for example 30cps, can be hard to detect sometimes, will probably get autobanned from 30cps thought, sometimes might get false-banned from Ares.
Ghost hit : Allows the cheater to hit through blocks.
Jesus : Allows the cheater to walk on water (usually gets autobanned pretty quickly)
ESP / tracker : Allows the cheater to see lines or hit boxes throught walls even when the player is invisible (might not work, because of some plugins)
Autopot : automaticly throws the pot under the player when the player loses enough HP without even making the player look down.
Flight : Allows the player to fly.


Please link us to any hacker reports you have made (recorded and/or reported) on MunchyMC:

Althought i dont have many reported of clips, i have reported cheaters in game plenty of times.


purgatory report clip1 - YouTube
purgatory report2 - YouTube
Woolwars teamers report - YouTube



#0 Created the topic.
#1 Added some extra information.
#2 Added a report of teamers on woolwars.
#3 Added scaffold.
#4 Fixed some mistakes.
#5 Redesigned, added detail and extra infomartion added new beautiful banner.
#6 Added more color and made it more fancy, fixed a mistake
#7 Fixed grammar mistakes


Player Profile : MunchyMC - Profile: Greenite
Namemc : MunchyMC - Profile: Greenite
Discord : Greenite#5901


Personally, I think helper would suit you very well! +1 greenite gl!

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  • Great Application
  • Helpful
  • Kind
  • Never Toxic

Good Luck Green! :)

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+1! Very Nice, Active, good friend!

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-1, for some reason this guy calls me “mommy” often.

but +2 for him being a big hot man

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  • Friendly
  • Helpful
  • Great application

Good luck!

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  • Greenite is very helpful with everything
  • Mature
  • Very active
  • Also a great application and never ever toxic
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+1! I’ve seen you on woolwars a fair amount, you’re always kind. I hope you get accepted!

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Personally, I don’t see you on Woolwars very often. This might be do to timezones (you are 7 hours ahead of me) but you also only have 600 games.

I would also recommend re reading your application to fix grammar mistakes.




  • Good application
  • Active
  • Helpfull in the server
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active, great application, knows alot about hacks


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+1 You got this and you deserve it!

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+1 greenite is a very helpful and i see him on alot, i think he would fit the helper role very well.
good luck greenite

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I will definitely have to rate this application a +1.
You help a lot of players out on purgatory. A helper role will undoubtedly fit you! Good luck!

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-1 cause you were bullying me >:(

(obv joking :))

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Application withdrawn