Helloo peoplee! I see there is no list of Ultra rares yet and heard Dream won’t make one either, so I thought ‘‘I’ll do it!’’

Ultra Tools

C3P0 Hook

Type: Tool
Ability: Can hook a player in a pvp zone, then drag them towards you.
Item: Fishing Rod (Sharpness VI)

C3P0 Mask

Type: Tool
Ability: When you find an ultra/legendary outside, other players are not informed of it.
Item: Ghast Tear (Sharpness VI)

Chain Saw

Type: Tool
Ability: Cuts down logs above a log that you mine.
Item: Diamond Axe (Efficiency 5)

Force Pick

Type: Tool
Ability: Allows any blocks mined to be sent directly to the wielders inventory.
Item: Diamond Pickaxe (Efficiency 5)

Forbidden Fruit

Type: Food
Ability: Upon consumption of this fruit the owner’s hunger become fully saturated, and you get the fruit back.
Item: Apple


Type: Tool
Ability: Opens a personal ender chest for the player.
Item: Ender Chest


Type: Weapon
Ability: Fires a fully charged fire arrow upon the wielder’s interaction that does major knock-back.
Item: Wooden Stick (Sharpness 6)

Dark pick

Type: Tool
Ability: Mining blocks.
Item: Diamond Pickaxe (Efficiency 9)

Jedi Pick

Type: Tool
Ability: Mining blocks.
Item: Diamond Pickaxe (Efficiency 4, Fortune 15)


Type: Tool
Ability: Mining blocks. Quadruples valuable ore drops (diamond, emerald, gold, iron).
Item: Diamond Pickaxe (Efficiency 5)

Purple Lightsaber

Type : Weapon
Ability: Gives the wielder a potion effect of Regeneration 3.
Item: Diamond Sword (Sharpness 4)

Ultra Sets

Boba Fett Set (Text Color: Gold)


Boba Fett Pack

Type: Armor
Ability 1: When the wielder has a full inventory of ores and clicks an ore in the mine, it insta sells.
Ability 2: When the wielder Shifts + Q on a stack of items, you get the option to delete the stack.
Item: Leather Chestplate (Protection 7)

Boba Fett Steel

Type: Armor
Ability: When you get attacked, the attacker will take thorns damage.
Item: Leather Leggings (Protection 7)

.Boba Fett Boots

Type: Armor
Ability 1: When you crouch, you will be in /vis (Admin command that makes you invisible to everyone, even on tab), but you won’t be able to move or see people.
Ability 2: Gives the wielder the ability to see when events happen.
Ability 3: Gives the wielder the ability to see when people get hurt or die.
Ability 4: Gives the wielder the ability to see when people use a prisonpass or event pass.
Item: Leather Boots (Protection 7)

Chewbacca Set (Text Color: Dark Aqua)

Chewbacca Head

Type: Armor
Ability: When the wielder drops below 5 hearts, your damage will increase by 300%.
Item: Leather Helmet (Protection 7)

Chewbacca Chest

Type: Armor
Ability: When you shoot a bow, you don’t need arrows.
Item: Leather Chestplate (Protection 7)

Chewbacca Legs

Type: Armor
Ability: When the wielder drops below 5 hearts, nearby players receive slowness 5.
Item: Leather Leggings (Protection 7)

Chewbacca Feet

Type: Armor
Ability: When you crouch, 1/10 blocks in a 1 block radius break around you.
Item: Leather Boots (Protection 7)

Droid Set (Text Color: Red)

Droid Mask

Type: Armor
Ability: Potion effects are increased by one extra level.
Item: Leather Helmet (Protection 7)

Droid Engine

Type: Armor
Ability: Gives the wielder the ability to temporarily fly.
Item: Leather Chestplate (Protection 7)


.Droid Pads

Type: Armor
Ability: When you attack a mob, the mob will instantly die.

Item: Leather Boots (Protection 7)

Grievous Set (Text Color: Gray)

Grievous Mask

Type: Armor
Ability: Lets the wielder see through blocks when you right click on them.
Item: Leather Helmet (Protection 7)

Grievous Arms

Type: Armor
Ability: Projectiles near wielder slow down, and come to a stop.
Item: Leather Chestplate (Protection 7)

Grievous Legs

Type: Armor
Ability: When you crouch, you can charge up to 25 seconds. (Example: Every second gives you a potion effect of Swiftness, which goes from 1-25 and lasts for 10 seconds)
Item: Leather Leggings (Protection 7)

Grievous Pads

Type: Armor
Ability: When you would have taken fall damage, players around you take the damage instead. (Unless they are shifting)
Item: Leather Boots (Protection 7)

Han Solo Set (Text Color: Dark Blue)

Han Solo Hat

Type: Armor
Ability: Picks up blocks that other people pick up in a 5 block radius.
Item: Leather Helmet (Protection 7)

Han Solo Hands

Type: Armor
Ability: Tracking Arrow: When fired, the arrow will track the target like a heat seeking missile.
Item: Leather Chestplate (Protection 7)

Han Solo Legs

Type: Armor
Ability: Gives the wielder 2 times the amount of xp they normally get.
Item: Leather Leggings (Protection 7)

Han Solo Boots

Type: Armor
Ability: Increases gravity as the wielder falls, allowing for ‘bunny hopping’ and faster travel.
Item: Leather Boots (Protection 7)

Jar Jar Set (Text Color: Aqua)

Jar Jar Ears

Type: Armor
Ability 1: Gives the wielder the ability to ‘‘hear’’ when people leave the protection of the prison.
Ability 2: Tells the wielder what kind of Semi/Ultra/Legendaries people get in the outside map.
Item: Leather Helmet (Protection 7)

Jar Jar Arms

Type: Armor
Ability: Gives the wielder a potion effect of Haste 3 and a potion effect of Water Breathing 3.
Item: Leather Chestplate (Protection 7)

Jar Jar Legs

Type: Armor
Ability: Give the wielder a potion effect of Speed 3.
Item: Leather Leggings (Protection 7)

Jar Jar Feet

Type: Armor
Ability: Give the wielder a potion effect of Speed 3.
Item: Leather Boots (Protection 7)

Leia Set (Text Color: Light Purple)

Leia Hair

Type: Armor
Ability: Gives the wielder the ability to levitate in a boat and mine cart
Item: Leather Helmet (Protection 7)


Leia Legs

Type: Armor
Ability: When you crouch, you slow down mobs in a radius of 10 blocks.
Item: Leather Leggings (Protection 7)

Leia Shoes

Type: Armor
Ability: Gives the power to peek into a player’s inventory, but not take anything.
Item: Leather Boots (Protection 7)

Maul Set (Text Color: Red)

Maul Horns

Type: Armor
Ability: Reflects damage when you block or crouch
Item: Leather Helmet (Protection 7)


Maul Legs

Type: Armor
Ability: Ignites the floor under the wielder, when they walk
Item: Leather Leggings (Protection 7)

Maul Feet

Type: Armor
Ability: Your opponent does not take any knockback and you won’t take any knockback either
Item: Leather Boots (Protection 7)

Obi-Wan Set (Text Color: Yellow)


Obi-Wan Chest

Type: Armor
Ability: When you crouch, other players in the vicinity get nausea.
Item: Leather Leggings (Protection 7)

Obi-Wan Legs

Type: Armor
Ability: Can ride another player’s shoulders and control where they go.
Item: Leather Leggings (Protection 7)

Obi-Wan Feet

Type: Armor
Ability: Gives the weilder a different number of jump boost, depending on the hotbar slot they are currently holding. (If they hold slot one, they get none)
Item: Leather Boots (Protection 7)

R2-D2 Set (Text Color: Blue)

R2-D2 Head

Type: Armor
Ability: Automatically switches to your tool when you hit an Ore/Log (Auto tool).
Item: Leather Helmet (Protection 7)

R2-D2 Probe

Type: Armor
Ability: When you right click a block, it turns all stone around you into glass.
Item: Leather Chestplate (Protection 7)

R2-D2 Legs

Type: Armor
Ability: Zombie abilities don’t effect you.
Item: Leather Leggings (Protection 7)

R2-D2 Exhaust

Type: Amor
Ability: When you mine Diamond or Emeralds ores you will receive 3 coal blocks, When you mine Stone, Coal, Gold and Iron ores you will get 1 coal.

Sith Set (Text Color: Dark Gray)


Sith Hands

Type: Armor
Ability: When you right click the ground, lighting will spawn around you.
Item: Leather Chestplate (Protection 7)

Sith Legs

Type: Armor
Ability: When you drop below 5 hearts, the attacker will receive a potion effect of Wither I, Nausea II and Blindess II.
Item: Leather Leggings (Protection 7)

Sith Boots

Type: Armor
Ability: When you block your sword, you will start levitating untill you unblock it. (If you fall you will still receive fall damage)
Item: Leather Boots (Protection 7)

Storm Trooper Set (Text Color: White)

Storm Trooper Helm

Type: Armor
Ability 1: Reduces incoming damage by 3.
Ability 2: Prevents acid rain, contamination, and heat wave damage.
Item: Leather Helmet (Protection 7)

Storm Trooper Plate

Type: Armor
Ability: Reduces incoming damage by 3 when you’re crouching.
Item: Leather Chestplate (Protection 7)


Storm Trooper Boots

Type: Armor
Ability: When you’re outside, you are not able to be tracked.
Item: Leather Boots (Protection 7)

Darth Vader Set (Text Color: Black)

Darth Vader Mask

Type: Armor
Ability: Upon consumption of any food, the owner will receive god apple effects (Regeneration 4 for 30 seconds, Resistance 1 for 5 minuts and Fire Resistance for 5 minuts).
Item: Leather Helmet (Protection 7)

Darth Vader Panel

Type: Armor
Ability: When you right click someone, they will start levitating while being damaged. (Force Choke) When you use this ability you won’t be able to move unless the person that is levitating shifts.
Item: Leather Chestplate (Protection 7)

Darth Vader Cape

Type: Armor
Ability: The wielder glides when falling.
Item: Leather Leggings (Protection 7)

Darth Vader Pads

Type: Armor
Ability 1: Gives the wielder a potion effect of Absorption 10. (Every hit only reduces 1 Absorption heart)
Ability 2: Grants invulnerability to lava damage for the wielder, and allows them to walk across it.
Item: Leather Boots (Protection 7)

Yoda Set (Text Color: Green)

Yoda Brain

Type: Armor
Ability 1: Gives you 20% more change of finding Semi/Ultra/Legendaries outsides.
Ability 2: You are invulnerable to Booby trap chests.
Item: Leather Helmet (Protection 7)

Yoda Chest

Type: Armor
Ability: Gives the wielder a potion effect of Strength 1.
Item Leather Chestplate (Protection 7)

Yoda Legs

Type: Armor
Ability: When you crouch, you will knock people away (Only works in pvp areas). You will also lose half a heart everytime you use this ability.
Item: Leather Leggings (Protection 7)

Yoda Feet
Type: Armor
Ability: Gives the weilder a double jump when they tap space bar.
Item: Leather Boots (Protection 7)


Nice Guide! I’d also love to see you add reasonable prices for buying those items. :wink:

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That won’t happen. Prison prices change every day!


:^) yeet

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Looks like you need to update this to include the R2-D2 set and the new legendary pickaxe. :wink:


Nice guide! :smiley:

Boba fett steel: thorns damage

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Great guide!
PS: Yoda feet also make you immune to fall damage

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For those of you wondering, trooper helm and trooper chest saying “reduce damage by 3” is really the 30% reduced (or 33% not sure).

Great guide though everything seems accurate, the community really needed this, Thanks killer and Ant.

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pin or riot


poop do one for legendaries and the rest of the ultras too m8

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These are all the ultras…

About the boba felt boots it is actually /inv is that makes you invisible /vid just makes you visible xD

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What is this plugin called?

I think he meant /v

We should change jar jar legs to regent 3

@jamespoon the reset wont be too far away so there isnt much point changing things now

I know