Survival Introduction Guide
By CatTech
- Going Outside/Exploring the World
- Claiming Land/Gaining Claim Blocks
- Claim Editing
- Chest Locking
- Gold Currency/Gaining Gold
- Auction System
- Buying/Maintaining a Shop
- Ranks
Going Outside/Adventuring the World
When entering Survival for the first time, you will likely want to start finding a place to set up your claim as well as collect some materials. You can quickly go outside by using the command /rtp, and you will teleport to a random place on the map. Keep in mind that the world border is currently 2000x2000. You can use /rtp as many times as you want (with the exception of a short cool-down) in order to find certain materials you may need such as wood or food.
The command /warp portalroom will bring you to a room with portals that lead to the Nether, the End, or the Mining world. The need to create a Nether portal or find a Stronghold to get to the End is negated this way; both the Nether and End reset periodically. The Mining world is perfect for gathering resources without having to worry about other people’s claims, plus it resets every two weeks so it will never run dry of resources. Of course you can gather resources in the Main world, but soon a lot of the world will be depleted, making the Mining World more essential for getting your resources. Again, all worlds are 2000x2000 so keep that in mind when travelling.
When you find a place you particularly like, you may want to set a home to return to that place later (especially your main base). You can use /sethome (home name) to create a personal teleport you can return to at any time by typing /home (home name). The number of homes you can set depends on your rank.
Claiming Land/Gaining Claim Blocks
When you find a place you’d like to settle down and create a base, you want to claim that area to protect your land and valuables from other players. To select your land, you can either:
- Use a gold shovel and click on your first and second point.
- Stand where you want your first point, type /claim point1, and then stand on your second point, and type /claim point2.
Either method works the same. Now, in order to claim the blocks you selected, you must have enough claim blocks in store. If you don’t have any blocks for that selection, you will be offered to cover the remainder with gold, if possible. If that’s not the case, you simply can’t buy it at that moment. You can always just take a smaller selection for the time being. As a starting player you already have at least 300 claim blocks, enough for a small-sized house basically. From there, you can start gaining more claim blocks and/or gold.
You can gain claim blocks by these means:
- Just play! You automatically receive 1 claim block every 5 minutes.
- By welcoming a player that just joined the server. When a new player joins, a message will spring up in chat to let you know. By typing “Welcome (New Player IGN)” you will receive 5 claim blocks for being the first, or 1 claim block if not.
Claim Editing
Eventually, you will likely be wanting to edit your claim. Expanding your existing claim is a common thing for players to do, and it’s simple to do. Just type /claim edit. A GUI will pop up showing all of your existing claims. Just click on whatever claim you own and want to expand, and then it will ask which direction you wish to expand in, and whether that’d be expanded 5 or 10 blocks. While you may have the number of blocks you want to expand in mind, you may not understand exactly which direction is which. To ensure you pick the direction you want, open up your debug menu by pressing F3 (Or Command+F3 in some cases). Within all that information, you’ll see a section that looks like the displayed image below. In the red outline you see the current direction, based on where you’re currently looking. That’s how you figure out which direction is which.
Within the /claim edit GUI, you can do the following actions:
- Add/Remove members
- Set Greeting/Farewell messages (displayed when entering/exiting claim area)
- Disable Mob Spawning
- Delete the claim entirely (You receive 90% of spent claim blocks for that claim back)
- Set the claim’s name (You are entering name/You are exiting name)
Chest Locking
While having your friends apart of your claim is almost a given, you may not want them digging in your chests. With a plugin, you have the ability to easily set a sign that restricts certain chests to only specifically stated people. It’s simple: place a sign onto the chest you wish to lock. Then in the typing prompt: use it like this:
[Private] (Always)
(Your IGN) (Always)
(Next IGN (Optional)
(Next IGN (Optional)
If you need to add more than two other people, simply add a sign to another side of the chest. It will prompt you to add more users. You will have to use the command /lockit here. Very simple: you want to type **/lockit (Line Number (Will always be 2, 3, or 4, as 1 is reserved already for the [Private] heading)), finished off with the IGN of the person you wish to add.
You can also use this feature on doors! Same exact process.
Here’s a quick clip of how it should go:
Gold Currency/Gaining Gold
The economy of Survival is based off of Gold. Gold is used to trade with other players for goods, expand your claim if so desired, used to bid in auctions, and maintain a Mall shop (more info on that below). That being said, you can gain gold in these ways:
- Mine and smelt Gold ore you find
- Sell items in auctions
- Receive gold directly from players
- Have players buy items in your Mall shop
When you mine gold, and have it in your inventory, you can use /deposit (amount) to add gold to your account. Use /withdraw (amount) if you ever need to take gold from your account.
Auction System
As mentioned, auctioning is a great way to put your items up for sale for other players to buy and potentially generate quick money. Here’s how to do it:
First off, make sure you are holding the item you wish to auction in your hand! Then use the following command:
/auc (starting price) (increment).
The starting price is the minimum amount of gold you wish to set on the auction. The increment is the minimum amount a bidder must bid, in order to set another bid. For example:
/auc 10 3
The minimum starting bid has to be at least 13. The next minimum is 16, and so on.
/auc 5 5
The minimum starting bid has to be at least 10. The next minimum is 15, and so on.
Of course, there will be cases in which no one buys your item, and so you receive it back. You may need to set the pricing lower in order to entice players more into buying your item. It all depends on who’s online, and whether or not someone may need the particular item you’re auctioning.
Buying/Maintaining a Shop
Another surefire way to generate some money is to set up a shop. To purchase your own shop, you will need to visit the mall by typing /warp mall. There, you can rent any open shop for two weeks for a set amount of gold, depending on the size of the shop. You must renew your shop by every two weeks, or else you will lose your shop! Maintaining a shop can be very expensive, so it’d be a good idea to have a decent reserve of gold on your hands before purchasing.
Now that you have your shop, you can begin to set up chests to either sell to players, or buy from players. Setting up these chests is a process very similar to locking chests.
To begin, let’s say you want to sell diamonds to players in your shop. You want to label the chest as a Buy chest, because players will be buying the item displayed on the sign; it seems kinda’ backwards to some. If you wanted to buy diamonds instead, you can have players sell diamonds straight to you from the chest. The chest would be a Sell chest because players are selling items to you.
The format for setting up a shop sign is as follows:
Selling an Item
Price of Item (Price they will pay to buy)
Item Name (Diamond, Diamond Block, Glowstone, Fishing Rod, etc.)
Quantity (Number of Item they will pay for) (4 - they will pay whatever Price for 4 of whatever Item)
Buying an Item
Price of Item (Price you will pay to buy)
Item Name (Diamond, Diamond Block, Glowstone, Fishing Rod, etc.)
Quantity (Number of Item you will pay for) (4 - they will sell 4 of whatever Item for whatever Price)
When setting up chests meant to buy items from players, be mindful that you have the gold to pay, and that you don’t end up buying more than you anticipated, as there’s no limit–players can sell to you until you either run out of Gold to pay them, or the chest becomes full.
It’s simple once you get it down. Here’s a clip of me setting up a chest and sign meant to sell diamonds at the Price of 5, for 1 Diamond:
McMMO is a common plugin that many survival-type servers utilize to provide a greater experience and goal for players aside from the standard vanilla survival genre. Basically, McMMO allows you to level up skills, which are mostly typical tasks a player would do normally (Such as woodcutting, mining, fishing, brewing, and many more). Each skill provides unique abilities once a certain level is reached, unlocking bonuses for practicing that skill. For example, leveling up your Acrobatics skill will increase the chance that you will not take damage after falling. A higher Mining level means that you have a greater chance of mining double the resource from a single block.
There’s really so much to learn about McMMO that it would be pointless to try to explain it all here. It’s so big, in fact, that there’s a whole wiki dedicated to the plugin. You can learn everything about all the skills offered, tactics for leveling up, and abilities unlocked on the wiki.
What’s a server without ranks to help keep it alive? Here are all the benefits you can receive from purchasing a rank:
Plus Benefits:
- Green, italicized name
- /back command (teleports you to the last location you teleported from)
- /backpack command (Access to an inventory with 9 slots to carry more items on the go)
- +10 home slots
- /craft command (Opens up the crafting menu to craft anything without needing an actual crafting table)
- /vipchat command (Access a channel in chat that only players with Plus and above can see and chat in)
- /tp up (height) command (Teleport up as many blocks as you wish–be careful, this can be deadly!)
- /carpet command (Spawns a platform beneath you, allowing you to travel terrain quickly and effectively)
- Can use colored text in chat and on signs
- /kit irontools command (Gives you basic Iron tools, with a cooldown)
- /hat command (Lets you wear a block on your head, cosmetic only)
- 3 claim blocks every 5 minutes instead of 1
Plus-Plus Benefits:
- ALL Plus benefits
- /backpack command gives you 27 slots (As opposed to 9 in Plus)
- +20 Home Slots
- /repair command (Lets you completely refill durability on any item, even enchanted, for free)
- /cook command (Turns any raw food into cooked food)
- /smelt command (Turns any ore into ingots)
- /stack command (Converts any stackable items into stacks, basically organizing your inventory)
- /kit ironextra command (Gives you basic tools, along with armor)
- /ec command (Lets you access an Enderchest, anywhere, basically another backpack)
- 5 claim blocks every 5 minutes instead of 1
Here’s a handy image I found that tells you all the color codes you can use:
That is just about the entire basics of the Survival server. I hope you learned something new that will help you with your surviving. Any suggestions are welcome!