Guide to Providing Server Feedback

Hey Munchies!

As the title suggests, this is a guide on all the different ways to provide feedback for the servers here at MunchyMC.

What is classified as “feedback”. Well, anything you want to bring to a server manager’s attention, whether that is an idea you had, a concern you want to bring to attention, or a bug that you would like to be fixed.

What ways can someone give their feedback? There are three ways someone can give feedback to be reviewed by the managing team.

  1. Forums
    The MunchyMC Forums is a great place to engage in discussion regarding an idea or a suggestion. Each gamemode has it’s own sub-forum that can be used for just that, discussion and feedback.
    Simply choose which sub-forum best fits your discussion or feedback and create a new topic. Be sure to include all relevant information for a well-rounded discussion.

  2. Support Ticket
    Creating a support ticket is as easy as clicking this link and selecting “Create a ticket”.
    Once you do, give it an appropriate title and describe the issue with as many details as possible. You will receive feedback on the ticket itself, which can result in a better understanding for the management team on how the issue you presented is occurring.
    You can also get a link by typing /bug or /reportbug in game, which gives you a link to creating a support ticket.

  3. Join the Bug & Idea Team
    The Bug & Idea Team is an official MunchyMC Team tasked with finding bugs and giving ideas. While on this team, you will have access to the channels dedicated specifically for each server, resulting in clearer paths of communication for both your ideas and bugs that you find. If this interests you, apply to the team using this link.

If these three ways don’t interest you, you can always send the server manager a message, whether on discord or on the forums. A list of who to contact for which server can be found here. As manager of the Bug & Idea Team, you can always message me for another way to relay your bugs or ideas to the team. You can even remain anonymous if you so choose.