Hi I’m LuLuBearG, You probably have seen me on munchy Survival, Event, or Woolwars as those are my main servers. I figured to do a Introduction as I recently registered on the forums :D
My friends I have made so far on munchy is NeonKnight9115, Wina_does_Art, JediAj212, Mrsmolbeans, QueenBee707,GrayNHL, Drex0r, Amy2017, Techul, Bobby123xnd, Magmaxle, Rehired and many others
Things I enjoy doing is Coding, Building, Helping others out, and chatting,
Yo wina did the future if a topic is over 14 days with no response and someone comments on it the topic will be closed and also sometimes if you do this or if you do this repeatedly you’ll get punishments