How are casual kits on kitpvp balanced

Hello gamers,

I have a discussion topic surrounding a question that’s been boggling my mind for the past few weeks, this being how are casual kits balanced on kitpvp?

This comes after my initial realization that my made up answer to this question may be completely inaccurate. What my initial assumption was, is that there’s a benchmartk to what does and doesn’t make an unbalanced kit. My initial assumption presumed that the pvp kit was the benchmark for this and anything more or less powerful than it would have been considered unbalanced, and would have constituted a nerf.

I’m assuming that this is completely incorrect, and that it’s based off all kits as a benchmark, rather than just the pvp kit, but this 2nd assumption may also be entirely wrong, and the reassurance would be nice.

I’m expecting to have more questions for the legitimate answer to this, so that’s why this is a discussion.

PS: Put casual kits in arena, @igotchu suggested this and i want it to get more attention plus why was this ever removed


A lot of kits on kitpvp have strengths and weaknesses, as i’m guessing you know, and for instance archer kit, it has weak armor but it has a bow, which a lot of other kits don’t have, making it good in its own way. But a lot of kits on the server aren’t balanced, as most are added into the game not as for pure sweaty gameplay, but for having fun with the server etc. Look at Vampire kit for example, it really is pretty weak overall, but people play that kit to have fun riding a bat around the map. But to answer the question I think your asking, a lot of kits are added for pure shenanigans, yet they still have a lot of unique abilities that separate themselves from other kits, making the variety of kits available what balances them out. One last example because I feel like it’s hard to put into words what I’m trying to say, falcon kit is really OP because it can literally fly around the map, BUT there’s another kit out there, elementalist, that has a tracking bow and can really counter falcon kit. So the casual kits are balanced by OTHER casual kits, Ik this is a sorta confusing concept but I hope you understand what I’m trying to say.


why was my post saying groundhog and zeus are bad removed

it was a necropost

