Ideas for a PvP Game Mode

Uh oh. Here comes Oracol here to talk about KitPvP again… :unamused: :neutral_face: :pensive: :roll_eyes:. Not really, but I am at the same time.

I am always thinking about Munchy and about KitPvP all the time. And I always end up thinking of a lot of ideas that usually end up being very ambitious. Since they are usually very big ideas, I don’t share them very often because many of them don’t usually end up being very realistic.
This time, I’ve been thinking of something that is definitely more realistic and I believe would be great for Munchy!


Something Munchy has been missing for a while is a modern PvP based gamemode. There obviously have been KitPvP and WoolWars, and you can argue maybe Prison can partially be considered a PvP gamemode, but all 3 of those games are 1.8 PvP based, and not the modern PvP that has been out for years. Now I myself prefer the 1.8 style since its what ive grown up with and still play sometimes today, but id be lying to myself and all of you if i said that it is not in the greatest position. 1.8 is very old now, and most of its player base is getting older as well. Many of the people who used to play have either moved on from Minecraft or gaming in general, or are just busy with school/work and just don’t play all the old gamemodes they used to play. The other problem is obvious, and that most servers today have moved onto the newer versions and so 1.8 isn’t nearly as common.

So my idea for a modern PvP gamemode is……………KITPVP!!! YIPPEE YAYY HURRAYY
Now I know KitPvP is dead and likely to never come back, but im not talking about current Munchymc KitPvP. I am talking about a new KitPvP mode that is not soup, and is not 1.8 pvp.

KitPvP is an amazing gamemode on Munchy, and I myself have stressed enough about how sad it is that it died and that it doesn’t get updates and stuff, but that’s just because it really is an awesome gamemode. Kit has always felt super fun since it’s not a game that you have to queue for, and it has things like events and even its arena. Kit also ended up just being a social hang out place for me and many other past players for that reason as well.


Now what would a Modern KitPvP look like? Well first of all, it would not be soup pvp. Healing was really all Soup was about, and it worked well for 1.8 because of how simple and straight forward 1.8 was. 1.9+ however is very different in how it works, so having any type of healing would work, but i dont think it should or would be the main focus. Instead, it could be more about the kits themselves and the different mechanics that 1.9+ has brought to the game. There could be kits that are more focused on tanking hits, others based on movement and combos, and others that are more focused on fighting from far away. There are many different items that could be used as well like: Tridents, Crossbows, Shields, and even the newest weapon, the Mace. There could even be new versions of the older kits like for example, Falcon kit, but instead of actually flying, they could have an Elytra and be given a certain amount of time they can fly around with it.

Modern KitPvP could also bring back the Arena that current KitPvP already has. I think the Arena is perfect because it allows you to 1v1 or host party fights in other PvP modes similar to a Practice server. Bringing Arena to Modern KitPvP would be just as perfect since there are TONS of other PvP modes that people may want to play. For the basic 1v1 that most people play, maybe you could allow the players to choose 1 of 3 of the most basic kits Munchy adds so the fights don’t get too wacky or unfair.

Something else Modern KitPvP could bring back are events!! Events are easily the best part of Munchy gamemodes because it keeps the game from feeling too repetitive or boring. Events are also just very fun. Just very fun. Super duper fun, and fun. Automatic events are great but manual events can also be a big part of Modern KitPvP just like it was with current KitPvP.
Having these events allow for players to work towards making tokens or even just simply buying a rank so they can host events they couldn’t host before, which is obviously a good thing for the server in general. Staff members as well have more to do since they can have fun with the players and even host their own events both automatic and manual.

Now most of the stuff I just explained already applies to current KitPvP, but a Modern KitPvP could add a lot of new events that don’t already exist on the server! They could also update or change up how current events already work. Like adding abilities in Dodge Ball or a voting system to Brackets (for what type of pvp is used).

This next idea may be a little controversial, but something that could be added as a new event could be, SURVIVAL GAMES! Ill explain…


Now why would Munchy add Survival Games as a KitPvP event and not as its own gamemode??? It was a gamemode in the past and is something a lot of players want to come back! Well, even if it were to become an event in KitPvP, it could definitely still become its own gamemode on Munchy. Munchy loves making their gamemodes not feel like other gamemodes on other servers. Survival doesnt feel like every other server’s survival because of all of its customization, skills, non-vanilla terrain, and many other things. Prison seems to be very different from most prison servers with its themes and special items. Survival Games as its own gamemode could be the same where they can change things up and make it feel very original compared to most Survival Games modes from other servers, while Survival Games as a KitPvP event could be the basic version of the game.

The reason I think Survival Games would be best as an event at least for now, is just because of the current state of Munchymc. Munchy is a great server but doesn’t have too many players as of right now… it has its communities, but none of the active gamemodes are games where you have to wait for people to join and queue so a single game can start. They are games where you can join and play when you yourself want to, and don’t need to rely on waiting for others to join. It’s for this reason WoolWars is struggling. WoolWars has people join very often, but no one stays on because the only way they can play is with multiple people queueing and waiting for a game to start. Survival Games would be in a similar situation where it may be hard to even get into a single game at times, and then honestly what is the point of even trying to join to play.


Why KitPvP of all PvP modes? Well because Munchy used to be known for its KitPvP in the past, and just like I explained all above, theres no queue to play anything, and it would allow for events and the arena just like the servers current KitPvP. It would be perfect for both casual and competitive players, or even just players who wanna play for all the events. There also aren’t too many other options for a PvP mode if im being honest…

It would also be much easier than coming up with a comepletely brand-new mode since I’m sure the devs could take a lot from the current KitPvP and just use that for the Modern KitPvP. (I dont actually know how to code or develop games soooo i am probably wrong lol). Maps would also be very easy to create since the builders could probably just update many of the current maps to look good in the newest versions instead of just making an entire list of new maps. Minecraft is also constantly being updated, so now that KitPvP isn’t stuck using just 1 version of the game, KitPvP can be updated with Minecraft from now on.

Modern KitPvP could also bring a brand-new community to the server! There are already players who enjoy PvPing, but I’d say a PvP community is really all that Munchymc is missing. The gamemode also wouldn’t be 1.8, so really anyone who wants to play the game can with no version problems or struggling because of the lack of knowledge of SoupPvP or 1.8 as a whole.


I think making a Modern KitPvP would be awesome, and could be a very good addition to the server. It would most likely mean saying goodbye to current KitPvP, but if thats how it has to be, then so be it :frowning:.

I know this was a lot to read, and that it may never happen, but I really just enjoy coming up with big ideas like this and sharing those ideas! I would absolutely love to hear your thoughts and ideas as well!

Thank you for reading!!

(i may update this later)


Again, this is probably not going to happen, but i just like sharing my ideas that i come up with :)

Also sorry if this post is hard to read at all… im not a very good writer

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There is no big 1.9 Kitpvp servers I know of, it’ll be a lot of work to set up but munchy could capitalize off of this.

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Just put hide details under each section


“[details=“name for what’s hidden”]”


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I play 1.9 kitpvp on cubecraft, there it consistently has 100+ players.

Don’t think this is very likely to get added either, but if it did I’d absolutely play it. I love 1.9 pvp!

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Cube craft doesn’t have custom kits like munchy if I’m correct though??

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There are a few servers including CubeCraft that do have KitPvP, but their kits are always usually just like “Tank” “Fighter” and just other really basic names. and usually its like 4 or 5 or 6 kits maximum. They are also always the most basic boring kits ever, Just diamond armor and diamond sword, maybe one has an axe, and one has a bow with iron armor. Just super boring.

Munchy as a server is super creative tho, and so thats why i think they could easily make more interesting or fun kits like the 1.8 ones

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This is exactly my point. No original kits! Just really sloppy kits where one’s busted and the rest suck.

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1.9 PvP in general is horrible… they can legit just readvertise kitpvp and it would be alive again. No one wants to play a 1.9 PvP server respectfully

Survival games should just come back even if it has 0 players, simply just host events on it once in a bit or make videos on it ( COUGH COUGH this useless Media team)

(I didn’t read anything btw I just glanced at the titles)

Ah yes because we nominated you to speak for everyone who has ever played Minecraft, makes sense to me mhm.

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Please don’t start an argument about 1.8 vs 1.9 guys

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bros the biggest nostalgia merchant on god this isnt 2017 we gotta move forward :pray:


While i agree that 1.9+ combat is terrible, unfortunately, this is not 2016 anymore and this is no longer an opinion that has an extreme majority. There is a large portion of the minecraft playerbase that either thinks 1.9 combat combat is superior or has literally never even played on 1.8.9. (I would in fact potentially argue that this portion is HIGHER among fans of certain minecraft channels like BadBoyHalo and Dream) Even Hypixel is slowly trying to migrate their server to the latest version, and they have been the most popular server for many years.

Additionally, I really hate when munchy players (and administrators) try to say the only reason the server is dying is because BadBoyHalo refuses to advertise the server. yeah, obviously that’s a contributing factor. However, I think using it as an excuse to write off literally any idea or criticism is incredibly silly and only makes things worse.


shut up evillrat you hit cooldown lover


Yes master

Yea true, even though it would be better if it was 1.8.9 most of the community is dead now so. Also im p sure they already tried to make a 1.20 kitpvp but kit died before they were able to do it or something

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So basically how that was going to work, was the server be updated to the newest versions, but kit would still be using 1.8 pvp. I think you could still join on 1.8, but it was gonna actually be hosted on 1.19 at the time or whatever. At the time, kit still did have a player base. It was small, but enough to join and play all day. Since it had players, and all of us were 1.8 mains, we didnt want it to be updated. There were tests and stuff for it, but i think since we were all so against 1.19 they stopped trying to develop it. I personally was very very against it being updated myself for the same reasons as everyone else.

Its different now tho. Kit doesnt have a player base at all, so if they really wanted to replace KitPvP or actually update it to 1.21 however they choose to, it would probably be the best choice. Especially if they dont use 1.8 pvp because then the majority of the people who play Munchy or even just the majority of Minecraft players in general would be more familiar with the pvp style regardless of their skill level.

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That’s something I actually find very sad. I do not main Kitpvp but I do believe that updating it wouldn’t have been such a bad thing. Sure, PvP will change but that’s how it is. There’s so much more potential with adding/creating more content. And PvP can still be adjusted, maybe not fully replicated but yeah.

It was really great to see people putting efforts into it, test sessions, balancing etc. That’s one time I think Kitpvp had its very attention but we let it fade away. :pensive:


On the idea of modern combat KitPvP, personally I heavily prefer 1.8 over 1.9. With that said, however, I don’t realistically think there will be any updates towards KitPvP other than updating to newer versions (also new features are cool). Ignoring any preference of 1.8 over 1.9 though, I do have another issue.

I feel like not having healing would just make fights way less interesting, even on 1.8. Without it, fights would just be very quick, and getting jumped or knocked into lava or something would almost guarantee death. Also, personally, one of my favorite things to do when KitPvP would be to use the sponge things to go to areas very high up, and many maps would have an area like this where you could usually find a large number of people and fight to stay on the island. Getting rid of healing would also get rid of this (although I think 1.9 combat would probably get rid of this too, given how knockback works on that version).

I also think a lot of the current kit abilities would be OP without healing (and honestly I think they’d be annoying to use in 1.9+ PvP in general but whatever). I wasn’t sure from the post if you still wanted to have kit abilities in a modern KitPvP gamemode, but without abilities the gamemode would just be like every modern KitPvP server that currently exists (there’s like 3 that I know of, they’re all basic kits), and at that point 1.8 kit would be more interesting (the abilities would probably be the part where new features would be able to most be shown off).

So yeah I think without healing KitPvP would just be a lot more dull, I’m not sure it’d have much more than just very similar kits and very similar and quick fights. I don’t know what kind of healing would work on a 1.9+ server. Soup would probably be bad (though I’m not sure if soup has been done on the new combat, that could be interesting to see tried honestly), the best I’ve been able to think of so far would be like, an inventory of totems, but I have a feeling this wouldn’t be very great.

The best gamemode ever on Munchy (fight me).

While this was by far my favorite of any gamemode on Munchy, one thing I did notice was that it seemed like the only thing that would significantly change gameplay without ruining it would be new maps. Not that new maps wouldn’t be big (exploring maps was probably my favorite part of SG), but compared to WoolWars and KitPvP (both have new kits in addition to maps), there wasn’t quite as much to continually add (you mention adding stuff to make it unique if it were as it’s own gamemode and not a KitPvP event, I assume this may be like kits or something, but I feel like SG on a lot of servers with stuff like that is just… not very good).

With that said, I believe that is true on 1.8, but I could see new stuff being added besides maps (though there’d be a lot more for mapmaking anyway) with new version features without ruining the overall feel of the gamemode, and obviously continuing updates would keep this going. It could also feel unique from other servers since, as far as I’m aware, SG hasn’t been tried like what existed on Munchy and other past servers with new version features, so it could be interesting to see it tried on Munchy. Even if not though, a KitPvP event (with new stuff or otherwise) would certainly be better than nothing. No idea how the new combat would change things though (or if SG would still even feel at all good with the new combat but whatever).

Of all the things in this post, this is what I agree with most. KitPvP is like the gamemode on munchy since the server was created. Maybe I’m biased because this was the first gamemode I joined, but I feel like without KitPvP, the server wouldn’t feel like Munchy anymore.


Well in the post i said i dont think healing should or be the main focus, as in it should definitely have healing, whether that be gapples, potions, or even soup, but it not be the entire gimmick of KitPvP. With SoupPvP, the entire point of that gamemode is healing with soup. Youre given an entire inventory full of it, and after only about 3 hits youre forced to heal or else you will die immediately. I think it would be better to instead focus on the kits themselves and maybe other gimmicks and mechanics and things Munchy could add to make the gamemode more fun and more unique than all the crappy boring pvp servers.

i would 100% want kit abilities! otherwise like you said, kit would just be like the few other servers with their boring basic kits. Theres so many things i can think of that they could create into cool kit abilities. And they can even recreate or rework some kits that already exist in the 1.8 kitpvp but for the newest versions.