iHoist's Event Team Application (January 2021)



Pacific Standard Time (PST)

How often can you host events:
On an optimal weekday I can host approximately 1-2 events, and the weekends would allow me to do 2+ events. I will try to adjust my schedule if anything suddenly comes up and I would ensure that the quality of my events remain consistent, even if the quantity must unfortunately suffer.

What sets you apart from other applicants:
I am very interactive, and I love engaging with the community as events are underway. I try to be like the fun teacher at the playground who’s playing with the children rather than the one who sits at the bench with a whistle for scolding the naughty kids…I hope you understand that metaphor. I also am a very eager listener and make sure to learn from every single piece of criticism, feedback and advice that I gain. I despise using cheats and hacks, and I would never utilize my power to rig anything that would make the experience unfair for anyone.

What can you bring to MunchyMC as an Event Member:
I am very dedicated to my work, and I make sure that I am around as much as I can be, stay online and keep doing my job consistently, no matter what the situation may call for. I am often using one form of technology or another at any given point in time, so I can always stay alert of the next big thing happening in MunchyMC. I also care very much about the bond between the general community, and I will always try my hardest to preserve the joy and peace in events because isn’t that what it’s all about? To have fun? I see a bright future for Munchy MC, and I want to be there every step of the way.

What do you think your reputation is like within the community?
I’ve been around a fair bit, and try to talk on Discord channels for gamemodes in which I am very active. I try to help people who are new or struggling, and I try to interact positively with everyone. I enjoy just having conversations and meeting new people. For instance, I met a user who I shall currently leave unnamed on the MunchyMC SMP Server, and now I am playing with her on Prison and even other servers like Hypixel Bedwars! Point is, I really enjoy interacting with the community, and I don’t believe anyone thinks truly negative of me.

Why do you want to be on the event team:
There are a multitude of reasons, primarily being inspired to be someone who always wanted to be a staff member or moderator (in this case an Event Host) plus a little bit of self-motivation from watching this video a long time ago before my first application (here’s the video) have encouraged me to chase down this role.

Give us one strength and one weakness that you have:
One strength is that my current position allows me to be on technology quite often, and I utilize that position to it’s fullest. A weakness is a current unnamed worldwide pandemic that is affecting my mental wellness a bit. I can assure you that I won’t let it impede the quality of my events.

Using your own experiences, give us one or more examples of an Event Member(s) doing something positive (I.E., Hosting an event when you asked, allowing you to become the slayer in RR, etc.): Event Team members are always very communicative and answered a lot of my questions during my preparation for reapplying for this role. To name a few are finessedkid, who gave me a very detailed explanation on why my first application was unfortunately denied, Local who gave me a bit of insight into how skits worked, and how could I forget Atterax, he was always there for me and answered every single one of my questions in high detail (and believe me, I asked a lot of questions) so thank you very much, Atterax, Local, and finessedkid, for your help, I couldn’t be more grateful.

Anything else you would like to add:
I took a month-long break from MunchyMC recently because I’ve been going through a tough time personally due to the pandemic. I care about everybody having fun, and I can’t do that with the quality I want if my room looks like crap. But after some time away from the screen and some more time with my family, I feel refreshed and ready to hop back into MunchyMC!

Well I know you’re gonna get accepted since you’re 13 and have no experience

I can’t tell whether you’re joking or not.

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Im not

Ok, but then that’s also quite rude to say that the Event Team members would hire anyone onto the team, no matter the quality. I want to be accepted because I can bring something unique to the team.

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  • Inactive
  • Well written application
  • Seem a bit knowledgeable
    I would try to build a bit of a reputation within the community, as well as become more active.

Best of Luck!!!

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Thank you! Unfortunately I cannot just build a distinctively stronger reputation within a week, and this is exactly what got the best of me last time, but as you can hopefully see in the last paragraph, it doesn’t matter how much you care for other people, you always need to care a little bit about yourself. I hope you can understand that, and I do appreciate your feedback.

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Detailed application but I haven’t seen you on. Best of luck! :star_struck:

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reasons as @iNateCo listed
also good luck :D!!!

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Thank you so much!

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Thank you so much! And I’m ready to be back online a lot more, regardless of this role or not. But hey, it was a good reminder. (If it didn’t piss me off that I almost missed the application window.)