◆ GameMaker ◆
Out Now in Open Beta
Hello Munchies! We are very excited to announce that a new gamemode is joining MunchyMC this summer, and it’s called GameMaker!
You may be wondering what the heck GameMaker is… In this post we’re going to be going over what it is!
First though, check out this super cool trailer:
◆ What is GameMaker? ◆
GameMaker is going to be the newest gamemode on Munchy, which you will be able to find at /server gamemaker! GameMaker is a gamemode that will allow you to create ANYTHING you want. From Find the Button rooms to Parkour, and even… WoolWars? GameMaker has endless possibilities.
◆ How is this Even Possible? ◆
GameMaker has been in the works for months now, developed by our very own @Fumaz! GameMaker is designed to be able to be used to create ANYTHING. There may be a learning curve at first, but once you are past this curve you will be shocked at what is possible.
GameMaker uses properties, functions, events, actions and many more parts to help you create anything you can think of! Want to create a button that teleports someone away? Easy. Create a block interaction event, create a teleport action inside, and teleport away as much as your heart desires!
◆ Learning GameMaker ◆
When you first join GameMaker you may get a bit lost with all the different menus! To help new players learn how to use properties, functions and other parts of GameMaker there are templates! These are games created by members of staff for you to edit and use as a base to create your own games, and also teach you a thing or two about making one.
Templates can also utilize the feature to create shortcuts to different parts in your menu! This removes the hassle of having to go through multiple menus each time you want to change something in your game, making it easy and fast to create your own games.
◆ Ranks ◆
With the release of GameMaker, we’d also like to introduce 3 new ranks! These ranks will grant you access to some awesome quality of life features, and we’re excited to let you know that one of them is obtainable for free! Yes, you heard that right. FREE!
[Voter] Rank
Voter Rank is obtainable for free by voting for MunchyMC using /vote. Once you’ve you will get access to this rank for 24 hours!
Voter Rank Perks
- 25,000 WorldEdit Block Limit
- Ability to create maps using Templates
- Ability to host parties
- Access to ///copy, ///cut and ///paste
[Maker] Rank
Maker will soon be obtainable from the store and will cost $4.99/month.
Maker Rank Perks
- All perks from Voter rank
- 100,000 WorldEdit Block Limit
- Ability to host Private games
- Access to 128x128 maps
- 15 total maps
[Maker+] Rank
Maker+ will soon be obtainable from the store and will cost $9.99/month.
Maker+ Rank Perks
- All perks from Voter & Maker rank
- 500,000 WorldEdit Block Limit
- Access to ///up, ///walls and ///outline
- 50 total maps
More perks will be coming to ranks in the future!
◆ FAQs ◆
Q: Where can I join GameMaker?
You can join GameMaker at /server gamemaker, or the NPC in hub!
Q: Will there be tutorials?
The templates feature (Check the Learning GameMaker section) works as a tutorial! Starting off using these will teach you GameMaker in no time, however I am sure there will also be many community made tutorials in the future too!
Q: Will I have my global rank (Super, Elite, Legend)?
Yes, you will still have your global rank! You will still be able to use the global perks from these ranks on GameMaker.