Hello everyone! Hope you are having a bubbly day! My name is ItsRachel_J,
You can just call me Rachel or ItsRachel!
I am an adult with a disability. This is my Application for Media rank.
~Channel link:
My YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@ItsRachel_J
My Twitch channel: Twitch
~Number of subs/followers:
On YouTube, I have 336 subs.
On Twitch I have 148 followers!
~Average number of views/viewers last 10 videos and/or streams:
For my YouTube video around 20 views.
For my Twitch stream, My streams have around 30-40 views.
~How long you have been creating content for Munchy and/or other servers?:
I have been streaming munchymc for a 1 year! It coming to be a year on Nov 5, 2023!
~Servers for which you have created content:
I have been created content on MunchyMC!
~Why would you like to join the Media Team? What makes you a good candidate for the team?
I think I would be great in the Media Team! I love making videos and I love streaming! It is my favorite thing to do! I am always on munchymc! I have been making a lot of videos on Game Maker! MunchyMC is my favorite server! I am going to college In the fall and studying Media & Art! I always make YouTube shorts when I can and it is so fun making them! I love making videos and streaming with my friends! It always makes my day happy and it makes me laugh a lot!
Hope you all have a bubbly day!