ItsRachel_J Media Application

Hello everyone! Hope you are having a bubbly day! My name is ItsRachel_J,

You can just call me Rachel or ItsRachel!
I am an adult with a disability. This is my Application for Media rank.

~Channel link:
My YouTube channel:

My Twitch channel: Twitch

~Number of subs/followers:

On YouTube, I have 336 subs.

On Twitch I have 148 followers!

~Average number of views/viewers last 10 videos and/or streams:

For my YouTube video around 20 views.
For my Twitch stream, My streams have around 30-40 views.

~How long you have been creating content for Munchy and/or other servers?:

I have been streaming munchymc for a 1 year! It coming to be a year on Nov 5, 2023!

~Servers for which you have created content:

I have been created content on MunchyMC!

~Why would you like to join the Media Team? What makes you a good candidate for the team?

I think I would be great in the Media Team! I love making videos and I love streaming! It is my favorite thing to do! I am always on munchymc! I have been making a lot of videos on Game Maker! MunchyMC is my favorite server! I am going to college In the fall and studying Media & Art! I always make YouTube shorts when I can and it is so fun making them! I love making videos and streaming with my friends! It always makes my day happy and it makes me laugh a lot! :smiley:

Hope you all have a bubbly day!


Hi Rachel, obviously I wish you the best of luck in the future but i just wanted to help you correct your average viewers count for your application. Go to your creator dashboard, then go to analytics, then overview, and it should show your average live viewers from the past 30 days which you can change to the past 10 days. Thats the average viewer count they are asking for, not the vod views <333


Hi ItsRachel_J,

Thank you for your interest in joining the Media team!

Unfortunately, we’re unable to move forward with your application at this time, as you do not currently meet our requirements.

We encourage you to reapply in the future, but kindly ask that you wait at least one month before doing so.