Jackquack12's Staff Application for MunchyMc

- Have you been a regular player on MunchyMC for at least one month?:
Yes, I love your server and your community and wish to become more involved and engaged within it too. I love Wool Wars. I think it is very fun and I was engaged by unique gameplay I have not seen before.
- Are you able to record and upload good quality videos of hackers?:
Yes, I have Streamlabs obs

**- Do you have TeamSpeak3 and Discord downloaded and are competent with them?: Yes, but I prefer Discord.


**IGN: Jackquack12

**Age: 16

**Timezone: PST all year

**Languages spoken: I speak English, and know some basic Spanish.

**Server(s) you are interested in moderating:
Wool Wars, Survival Games, Survival, and Kit P.V.P.

How active can you be per week?
I can be active six days a week. I must have a schedule that fits my school schedule.

**Do you have any punishments on our network? If so, please describe your side of story: I
No, I have never been punished nor banned on your server before, nor any server whatsoever that I have joined.

**Have you applied for this role before? If so, please explain the steps
I have never before tried to applied for this role. This is my first application to this server.

What do you think your reputation is like within the community?

I have a good reputation in this community because I obey the rules on the various servers. I always play with the people the server selects in games where multiple people are required to play. I played Survival on your server, and enjoyed chatting with random players despite never having met them before. One time I chatted with this person who claimed he streamed Wool Wars on MunchyMc server. It is a good way to socialize and meet new people. I mostly play Wool Wars and Survival, and would like to have more trustworthy friends on the server to play with.

Why are you interested in the role and what motivated you to apply?

I am interested in applying because I love the MunchyMc Server and Wool Wars especially for its unique gameplay. I have many ideas for this server such as new games and improvements to currently existing games. I also want to establish new friendships that I can trust too, that way I can learn more about this community which I am so interested in. Also, I love BadBoyHalo’s YouTube channel and his friends too. 

**Out of 10 (with 10 being very knowledgeable), how would you rate your knowledge on moderating a community?
I hereby consider myself a solid 8.75 because I know a hacker when I see one. I once ran and operated my own server, BanjoCraft, but I quit because I got bored and it did not make a profit. I am great at World edit and amazing with commands. I have a background in supervising players and Minecraft server moderation. I have caught many hackers for flying, Kill Aura, and X-ray, on BanjoCraft before I shut doown the server for good.

**Out of 10 (with 10 being very knowledgeable), what would you rate your knowledge on Minecraft hacks and cheats, including finding and identifying cheaters?

I have seen hackers firsthand, henceforth I am extremely knowledgeable about hackers and hack clients, and would rate myself a 9.25 out of ten. I have seen them being used all the time on anarchy servers before all the time; I know a hacker when I see one. In fact, I played on 9b9t.org for two weeks to observe and analyze hackers using hack client. I used that knowledge on my old server, BanjoCraft, to search for such behaviors I recognized as behaviors of hackers themselves. Users using X-ray can be caught by observing the suspected X-ray user’s mining behaviors. Kill-Aura users can be caught by observing them always looking at their target’s hitbox without human error or rapid head movement of the suspected player. Jesus hacks can be caught by observing players walking on water or lava without wearing any frost-walker enchanted boots. I could go on and on about how I can catch hackers and cheaters easily; My point is I have lots of experience of observing, searching, reporting, and catching hackers and cheaters. 

Please link us to any hacker reports you have made (recorded and/or reported) on MunchyMC:

Application denied. You do not meet the prerequisites. You may reapply next season.