Howdy, Munchies!
CET - Central European Time
How often can you host events?
Here is my usual summer availability:
- Monday-Thursday 1:00pm to 12:00pm
- Friday 1:30pm to 12:00pm
- Saturday 1:30pm to 12:00pm
- Sunday 1:00pm to 12:00pm
Please note that I may not be on time sometimes due to studying for exams or on vacation.
What sets you apart from other applicants?
There are many reasons that sets me apart from other applicants that makes me a good candidate for the Event Team. First of all, I am liked throughout the MunchyMC community. I have made a lot of friends during my time on Munchy. I think I am liked throughout the community because I am very mature and I am always super friendly to everyone. I have the Legend rank, I have a few friends that sometimes ask me to host automatic events like CRR, Sumo, 2v2-Sumo etc. Second of all, I have immense knowledge of most events on Munchy as I have attended most events that have been hosted. Third of all, I am a very active player on KitPvP, the reason I think I am more active than other Event Team members and applicants is because whenever I am online, there are very few event members and applicants on. Last of all, I am a helpful person. Whenever a question is asked I try my best to answer it with a good explanation so the player feels like they are being listened to with respect. Since I have a good knowledge of MunchyMC, I can always answer questions and more without a problem and help the players when they are in need of an answer.
What can you bring to MunchyMC as an Event Member?
I think I bring two unique things to the Event Team: fairly flexible hours and fun and enjoyment to the players. The reason I will be able to host multiple events a day is because it is currently summer right now and I am active at least 5 hours a day. I have noticed that some of the times I play during the day and at night, there are very few event members on and I feel like I could bring fairly flexible hours to host events for players from timezones like PST, MST, CST, EST, BST and AEST. I believe that I would bring fun and enjoyment to the players because of the entertainment on the server with the requested events. If a player were to recommend an event, if there was an event just hosted, I would assure the player that the event would be hosted after the cooldown is over, then I would host the event. I think I can bring fun and enjoyment to the server by hosting events when players ask me to. I think that I am a pretty kind person and will make a lot of players have a great experience on the server. I think I will bring a lot of fun and enjoyment to the players on MunchyMC as an Event Member.
Event commands I am familiar with:
These commands are what I have learned by watching a few event streams.
/eventtpall: sends a tp request to all players in kitpvp to join the event.
/broadcast: broadcasts a message to the whole kitpvp server.
/skit create: create a skit used for an event.
/eventban: bans a player from the event world.
/eventunban: unbans a player from the event world.
/eventbanlist: lists the banned players from the event world.
/skit apply: applies a skit to a player or many players.
/eventkick: kicks a player from the event world.
/togglepvp: toggle pvp in the event world.
/eeffect: effects a player or many players in the event world.
/skit remove: removes a skit from a player or many players.
/toggle pickup: toggle pickup Items in the event world.
/eventtp: teleports you to a player of your choice.
/eventspottp: teleports you to a event spot.
/eventtphere: teleports a player to you of your choice.
/togglehunger: toggle hunger in the event world.
What do you think your reputation is like within the community?
I believe I currently have a very positive and good reputation in the community. I try to be as helpful, kind, and to everyone I meet. I feel as if I am well known and respected by most of the community. I would say people generally have a positive view of my character and integrity. Overall I’m not toxic and I’m kind to everyone in-game and know that the majority of the community enjoy my presence.
Why do you want to be on the event team?
There are many reasons I want to join the event team. I have interacted with so many amazing people in the community, and I would like to give something back. I have played on the server for over a year now and the community has effected me a lot and I would like to help make that experience even better than it already is. I also want to be on the event team because I want to bring fun and enjoyment to the players. I live in Norway and I don’t often see many event members online when I’m online. I feel like I could host events during morning and night times to make the players more entertained. The event members at my timezone In my opinion are lacking and could have an event member that is from the scandinavian timezones. That’s the reason why I want to be an Event Team member.
Give us one strength and one weakness that you have:
My greatest strength is that I am a fast learner. I have learned many event commands and what the commands do and when to use them by watching event streams and I know how to host events by watching event streams. I feel like learning is my greatest strength right now. My greatest weakness would have to be grammar. I am not the best at grammar and I am sure there are a few mistakes in this post but I am honest in my weaknesses and I am working on my grammar skills as much as possible. I feel like grammar is my greatest weakness right now.
Give us one or more examples of an Event Member(s) doing something positive (I.E., Hosting an event when you asked, allowing you to become the slayer in RR, etc.):
I am going to make a bullet list of every event member doing something positive.
- 262ms: Requested Waterdrop and hosted it.
- DrakeOfStars: Requested Lucky Corners and hosted it.
- Finessedkid: Requested Waterdrop and hosted it.
- Oryeo: Requested Waterdrop and hosted it.
Anything else you would like to add:
Thank you for taking the time to read my application! Best of luck to all the applicants.
EDIT 1: Added a list of event commands
EDIT 2: Changed/Added more detail on How often can you host events?