what is the kitpvp board
what is its roles
how does it differ from regular smod/management
why is it needed
why is it a thing on only kitpvp
how long has it been a thing and why only make it a thing recently
why is @igotchu not on it
consider the difference between a board of directors and a head of a department in the company
Munchy’s not listed on the stock market + they aren’t shareholders…
I would be a mass shareholder in Munchy stock
October 29, 1929
Serious answer to this would be good
the board would vote on and discuss major decisions regarding development future and updates of kitpvp. senior mods moderate the server at a senior level
all that from reading the words ‘kitpvp board’!
So if you said I was the contact, I’m going to have to do some cleaning up. (With a mop in a good way not in a scary way😀.) The board runs the underground kit mafia. They make trades on illegal tags, tokens, and there’s even talk about killstreaks. I don’t know how they do this, I’m assuming that they have a dev in their group. I’m not naming any names, but it’s six. Six is in charge, and they’re very scary. Watch out, six is going to get you
September 1, 1939
The kitpvp board is a group of senior kitpvp staff members that make decisions on the future of kitpvp. It is not as formal as you think. Any staff or player can have an impact on kitpvp. Just because a name is not listed there does not mean they are not able to make changes.