“John Cena! (loud music)”
John Cena
Lime Leather Chestplate, Leggings and Boots with Protection 3, 3, 4 and Unbreaking 30.
Diamond Sword with Sharpness 1.
1 Enderpearl.
John Cena (loud music every time that name is read in mind) can throw Enderpearls at their opponents, by default, the cooldown is 30 seconds (that’s when the enderpearl returns into the inventory) and is shortened to 5 seconds, when it hits another player in gamemode survival.
Natural Enemies:
Titan and Shrek in outfit, Ninja, Slingshot.
A Counter To:
Bow related kits, Reach.
Inspired By: https://www.munchymc.com/forums/t/kitpvp-mlg/10251 and a video I saw recently showing a dead me and admitting it.