Inspired by my Challenge for Fortnite, that I havn’t told anyone yet.
(Undecided with Depth Strider 1)
Diamond Sword.
1 Egg.
Permanent Effect: Slowness 1, Strength 1.
Turtle is like Tank, but is unable to go backwards and sidewards.
If Turtle still tries to go anywhere besides forwards, it will be treated like anticheat treats cheaters, it teleports turtle back. (does not affect, when turtle gets hit)
Turtle can place his/her egg (only) on Sand, should Turtle die and respawn, Turtle will have Slowness 3 and respawns at that egg.
Turtle has to get into water to get a “growth spourt” and get back Slowness 1. (Or wait for 30 seconds)
The Egg replenishes after 30 seconds after the respawn.
Turtle also has it’s passive ability, in which incoming hits in his/her back are nullified, even without armor.
Natural Enemies: Seaguls, Viper, Dragon.
A Counter To: Sandwiches.
Tips & Tricks: When cornered, face towards the corner to refill your hotbar.
Side note: That Egg was a last second Idea, which the kit can also exist without.