No what’s good yall, no color, no format.
Promising keep inventory, a feature only accessible in an expensive rank only to people who buy the rank and then proceeding to get rid of it and include a new system where you can buy your items back for a cost is criminal! This system benefits people who aren’t ranked but people who bought ranked usually buy it for 2 big features. /fly and keep inventory.
I notice fly is more balanced and i think that’s fair (as long as it doesn’t consume too much hunger) but removing keep inventory and making people with the rank that have a big chance for buying their rank for keep inventory buy their items back is scummy and criminal.
This change can be easily fixed by just keeping the current new system and letting ranked players have keep inventory. This is such a great idea cause more people may buy ranks to avoid paying fee’s and avoid going to the well to get their items back when they get them instantly!
If this doesn’t get fixed this is going to majorly impact peoples trust in the server, what’s the point of paying for perks we don’t know will be removed or not?
(Also sorry for double posting just really important posts)
this right here, let the people be heard!
It is actually a crime. like legally a crime.
The fact this is even a discussion is baffling.
If anyone who has previously paid for legend had the means to sue Munchy, they could.
Really disappointing to see the people with power over this decision doing nothing.
I really don’t even get why they would do this, what do they even gain?
Munchy is going to lose players and money over this, its a shame.
I told my parents about what’s going on here and they said it was an obvious money-grab. You may be asking: well how does this cause them to make more money? It doesn’t even! It just reduces the value of the stuff people have already bought which means there isn’t any reason to do this. You’re not gonna make any more money doing this, in fact I bet you’ll lose a lot of players and paying players because you just nerfed 2 of the biggest features into the ground. I disagree completely with the flying nerf too. Yes flying is powerful. It’s flying for god’s sake! It should be powerful! Because we paid 50 bucks for it! Talking to people about this, many have said there was nothing wrong with the old system and I agree wholeheartedly. Adding chest of sorrows for unranked players is fine, but removing perks from people who paid for them is so idiotic in my opinion. Apologies if I offended anyone, I just hate that everything has to be a scam nowadays and everything is for the sake of money. I thought Munchy was a bit different, and I don’t know why, but man now I know that it’s not different.
munchy on their way to commit a literal crime for the sake of money (and then do even that so poorly that it will literally lose them money)
50 bucks for a Minecraft rank is insane. That’s 10$ away from buying most AAA games. The fact you get so little with it is really crazy
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Also I’m just gonna say why didn’t yall make feedback posts about this??? Even if you didn’t wanna announce the well of souls you could’ve informed someone to make random polls or ideas to get feedback without announcing that as a feature
Yes agreed. The fact that they probably knew they were gonna do this for a bit but didn’t make any sort of announcement like hey don’t buy legend or ++ if you’re doing it for these features! Or make any type of warning post or polls to get peoples feedback before making a decision says a lot.
which makes it seem all the more shady
i mean, it’s literally a scam, but not informing the public about it makes it 10x worse
If you inform the public of a scam it won’t work then!
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I just found this out but some ranks here to get permanent legend AND ++ you spend 130$.
That’s not only the price of TWO AAA Games but it’s 10$ more!!! TO FLY ON A MINECRAFT SERVER AND GET MORE HOMES!!! Oh wait I forgot you get keep invent- oh yeah.
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boohoo just buy ur inv back
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They payed for a perk which would let them get keep inventory for free. Any other words of the wise you wanna share professor?
no one cares this gamemode is dead now anyways
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if anything, this will let mmc survive longer if they can remove as much p2w as possible
plus the timing works since the ppl who bought the rank in the past are gone for the most part
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The season revives it A. And B. Players with the rank care and players considering purchases should too. Why should I purchase something knowing it can be taken away in a future update and the money I spent won’t be refunded?
that’s a great question, if the answer is “I shouldn’t,” then why did you agree to these terms when you bought your rank?
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I am rankless first.
Second it never states of removing features of ranks in there? What’s your point that people should know they can’t refund?
Bullet point 2, products are allowed to be removed
“we do not guarantee continuous […] access to the […] Products”
not only could you legally argue that the old legend rank could just have been replaced with a newer version, that the old one was replaced, and use that provision
I think the bigger takeaway is that you agreed in the terms that these perks aren’t permanent, and you shouldn’t be a baby that your perks are being changed. Maybe read your terms before you buy something next time if you’re this pressed
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