_MackMack_'s Build Application D:



Discord Name:

How long have you played MunchyMC?:
I joined the server last year but I have just started playing frequently over the past few weeks. It’s quite addictive!

How active can you be per week?:
I can be online mostly every day.

Do you have any punishments on our Network? If so, what for?:
No, I don’t have any punishments on the server.

Please link a portfolio of all your most recent build projects:

Please tell us more about your FAVOURITE and PROUDEST build:
My favourite build would have to be a build I made around a month ago as a tribute to Technoblade (RIP). This is my favourite build because it is so meaningful and Beautiful. The screenshots have other builds in the background from other people that aren’t mine, I did this on a public server.

How experienced are you with World Edit, Voxel and other building plugins?:
I have been using World Edit for a while now. I always go onto my own mini world on Minecraft to practice using World Edit and make my own mini maps.

Describe your build specialty and weaknesses (detailing, terraforming, structures, etc.):
I love making maps of a larger scale when they have a very Interesting features. For example, I made a build the other day with a large dragon in the middle of the map digging through the grass breaking blocks and trees in it’s path. If there is nothing interesting in the large map for me, I find it more difficult to build. I love terraforming and using the /brush tool on the terrain. I am a very creative person so if you are ever needing help with ideas on a build, you can come to me. Something I could certainly improve on, are houses and the interior to those houses. I’m better at looking at the bigger picture of the map but I can be good at smaller details.

What is your history of building? If applicable, which build teams and/or servers have you worked for in the past?
I was introduced to Minecraft when I was four years old. I was at a swimming lesson and this girl slightly older than me was playing on Pocket Edition. She let me have a go playing on her iPad and I was IN LOVE. At first I was building houses out of glass so I could see the mobs spawn at night from all angles. I was so fascinated with all the blocks I could use. A few years later I got Minecraft for myself on my iPad. I was always in creative mode building. I got Minecraft Java a few years after that, and my building has improved so much over the years I was always on my world and building surprise houses for my online friends. I am so happy with my building and I hope I get the chance to show everyone how much I love building. I have also helped out on my friends servers too.

On a scale of 1-10, how well do you work with others? Please expand upon in your answer:
I work pretty well with others so I would definitely say 9/10. Everyone has weaknesses and everyone has strengths. If you put your skills together with someone else, you can do anything! Perhaps if I am building a map with someone and they might be able to do the housing and I can do the terraforming and little details. But of course, if you don’t have any communication skills, things wont turn out how you want them to, because the key for teamwork is communication. Ask questions and tell people about an idea you have. If you guys disagree, you could find a compromise together so you are both happy with the build.

Have you applied for Builder before? If so, what was your reason for denial? How have you looked at improving since?
I have never applied for builder before but I have helped out with my friends SMPs and servers (not big servers, just small). I have been thinking about applying for my favourite Minecraft server for a while now and just noticed a few days ago that applications are open on this website! Thanks so much for this amazing opportunity everyone, wish me luck :D


Changing to +1 after like 4 months because Mack = :fire:


Please let me know how I can improve guys I’m always looking for suggestions :grin:


Just edited my application check it out! :grin:


This is really inactive

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Well, I don’t normally review build apps because I have no idea what I’m talking about but I’ll review yours for fun.

I really like your builds, and you have great potential. Unique, and clearly your terraforming is GREAT. Your use of shulker boxes as mushroom stems is really weird and something I’ve never seen before, but I like it a lot. You have some good knowledge of using weird blocks to achieve the desired effect.
I’d probably look at getting some more experience with voxel as it is as really useful tool for serious builders
You could also do a little work on finer details in maps, and maybe add a little life and movement aspects to some of them, as right now they’re a little still.
Some more builds on your portfolio would be great, especially structures.

Overall, really nice application and you have some amazing potential!


+1 Good application, Builds are decent, and use unique blocks you wouldn’t normally see in builds, yet you make them work well together


Could someone review my application and rate it please? It is very inactive lol

Thanks so much to the people giving me constructive criticism and feedback I really appreciate it :two_hearts::two_hearts:


+1. Your attitude is great and the fact you can be so active is a huge gain. I don’t really know too much about building, but your builds look really good. You have much detail, which shows you really want the position and are taking the app seriously. You have been really positive in the forums, and I’d love to see you on the build team!! Good luck!

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Just edited my portfolio :DD


lol why hasn’t there been any response to this? at least someone of build team give her a review cause this was made in august :skull:


I really wish all applications in the past 4 months would be reviewed. As builders, we can’t really process this, our opinion is like anybody’s opinion. This is rather sad.


At this point I think it’s intentional. The team might not need more people and they accidentally left apps open or they are doing it to plan out builder grouping or whatever. I haven’t ever been a builder and so I don’t know what happens but if it is intentional I do this they should at least make a statement. If it isn’t intentional I have to believe that the heads are extremely busy and just haven’t had the time to review apps enough for the applicants to be truly accepted. They may have a huge project or something they need to work on or anything as I said I’m not a builder so I don’t know what happens.


It’s not intentional. The heads have been really busy the past few months and on top of that there have been many big projects. Like Quora said, as builders we can comment, but it’s not our decision whenever someone is going to be accepted or not. I mostly prefer not to share my opinion on applications, since they can be really different from the final decision.
However the build team and admins are aware of all the open applications and we are trying to find a solution.


Perhaps you could close the applications so no new ones can be created and then sort through the ones already made so there aren’t a bunch of applications not being replied to, gradually growing the situation. otherwise more people will make applications and it will take ages to get through all of them at once


The lack of responsibility displayed by the Admin team here is so blatant and embarrassing that I don’t understand why anyone applying would even want to be on the team at this point. A Build Team application should be pending for 1 month AT MOST. And even that is a long time. For someone to put in the effort to make a genuine application like this and even brush it up multiple times over the ridiculously long wait period of 4+ months and still not even receive a response is just…disrespectful.

It’s 10 applications. And glancing at them, only half are worth looking at. Being “busy the past few months” in no way justifies not putting in like 30 minutes to review the few applications that people have been patiently waiting on. No one for a second should believe that whoever is supposed to be deciding these applications has been so busy that they haven’t had 30 minutes in the last few months to handle such light work. I can count the number of applications on my fingers man. It’s that easy. It’s THAT easy!

Understood, @paengi, that it’s not your wrong, but the very fact that you are talking on behalf of the Admin team should tell everyone that there is a clear disregard for basic ownership of tasks and responsibilities. Which in turn begs the question to @_MackMack and other builders who have taken the effort and interest to try and join the Build Team…why are you offering your skills to people who have communication skills so poor and a sense of responsibility so lacking they can’t even respond to your application after months of waiting?

You don’t need to look far.


dude straight roasted ya’ll lazy mofers come on respond


/ \


If you wish to continue, then by all means. But I must tell you something…

I was quick to press the issue but I didn’t actually bother to read your application until now. And I have to say, I am quite moved by it–seriously, I am! Your application really stands out to me particularly because you show how you are not just a builder but also someone with personality. It is inspiring really. Everything you have shown in this thread proves you are highly motivated and persistent. You may not be the best builder ever, but your dedication and desire to learn and grow make up plenty for that.

That being said…it pains me all the more to see how your vigorous efforts are not being recognized, or even so much as acknowledged. I’m honestly offended on your behalf, it hurts me to see such potential be disregarded because the people in charge here are so incompetent that it shows so obviously. Even current builders and staff see it now. What you are seeing here right now is a pure example of what happens when you put people in charge who have no sense of responsibility, lacking of competence, and without the mind of a leader.

With Munchy I got to meet some cool people, and I even received support from unlikely sources. I’ve also had the displeasure of working with and answering to people who truly do not understand what it means to be a leader, and instead degrade and demoralize those who they are tasked with overseeing. But let me be clear–you don’t need to have been staff here, and you don’t need to have played Munchy in the last few years, to see how bad this situation is.

I want you to take a step back and observe how over the last few months you have truly been trying your best to accomplish your goals. Also observe, how the very people you’re trying to work for care about you so little that they don’t even bother to read your application after four months of waiting.

The good news, if there is any, is that eventually you will receive a response from whoever is supposed be “in charge” here. But by now, it should be apparent to you that here, you will not have your potential fulfilled, you will not get the experience that you desire, and you will not receive the leadership and support that you are supposed to have being on a team receiving supervision.

You are not stupid Mack–this is not worth your time anymore and you deserve better.

Mack…you have all the answers. Please do not waste your time any longer.


Woah this is a difficult situation. I mean, I logged on to KitPVP today and I was the only one there because it’s not just the head of build team staff, but it’s the senior KitPVP staff too. There are so many teams lacking of people who are actually committed to the job.

Now of course, I have met so many amazing people who have ranks and they put in much more time for the server than many of the senior staff members do. Take @anon86933269 for example. She is online a bunch and helps the community stay positive and friendly. She always has an amazing attitude and perspective on any given situation no matter what. Same goes for @danior @VioletRay and many other amazing individuals.
These people are amazing but I think it is selfish of the people with the power to make a change and/or sustain the server to let these people do all the work for them. I understand we all have personal lives and sometimes won’t have all the time in the world to hop online and play. But if that is the case, why would you take someone else’s opportunity for staff/builder/etc if you don’t even have the time to do that job?
The real problem is some of the higher ranks whom hold the ability to improve the server do not actually understand their responsibilities to the server. I love this server. I really do. But there comes a point where if nobody takes responsibility for their roles and jobs for this server, the server could lose many of its players and the community that we all love and cherish today could be lost because of the inactivity of the higher ranks. Seriously it’s getting out of hand.

This is a quote from @McDonalds talking about the stage of KitPVP currently. (Check out the full post for more info) There is also a drought happening over on KitPVP.
So how does this relate back to the build team?
The senior builders who have the power to take half an hour out of their day to review applications instead of keeping us on hold for over 4 months are inactive and this inactivity is spreading to a lot of the server. It may seem as if I am repeating myself, but I fear this is the only way to seriously get this into the minds of inactive builders and staff members.
I have major respect for the people who do things on munchymc and help out. And even if there is some sort of big project going on,

can’t you just take half an hour out of your day to help the confused KitPVP players?

Or perhaps half an hour to review some applications for the build team?

And- speaking of- If there is such a big project that takes up the entire build teams time, maybe you could lighten the load with some talented builders if you review some applications? Just a thought :)

But seriously, thanks so much to the kind active people on the server and thanks so much to the staff members that actually communicate with the community. You know who you are and we all appreciate you very much.

Please do not send any hate towards the higher staff members only talk about the situation not personal or mean things