Woah this is a difficult situation. I mean, I logged on to KitPVP today and I was the only one there because it’s not just the head of build team staff, but it’s the senior KitPVP staff too. There are so many teams lacking of people who are actually committed to the job.
Now of course, I have met so many amazing people who have ranks and they put in much more time for the server than many of the senior staff members do. Take @anon86933269 for example. She is online a bunch and helps the community stay positive and friendly. She always has an amazing attitude and perspective on any given situation no matter what. Same goes for @danior @VioletRay and many other amazing individuals.
These people are amazing but I think it is selfish of the people with the power to make a change and/or sustain the server to let these people do all the work for them. I understand we all have personal lives and sometimes won’t have all the time in the world to hop online and play. But if that is the case, why would you take someone else’s opportunity for staff/builder/etc if you don’t even have the time to do that job?
The real problem is some of the higher ranks whom hold the ability to improve the server do not actually understand their responsibilities to the server. I love this server. I really do. But there comes a point where if nobody takes responsibility for their roles and jobs for this server, the server could lose many of its players and the community that we all love and cherish today could be lost because of the inactivity of the higher ranks. Seriously it’s getting out of hand.
This is a quote from @McDonalds talking about the stage of KitPVP currently. (Check out the full post for more info) There is also a drought happening over on KitPVP.
So how does this relate back to the build team?
The senior builders who have the power to take half an hour out of their day to review applications instead of keeping us on hold for over 4 months are inactive and this inactivity is spreading to a lot of the server. It may seem as if I am repeating myself, but I fear this is the only way to seriously get this into the minds of inactive builders and staff members.
I have major respect for the people who do things on munchymc and help out. And even if there is some sort of big project going on,
can’t you just take half an hour out of your day to help the confused KitPVP players?
Or perhaps half an hour to review some applications for the build team?
And- speaking of- If there is such a big project that takes up the entire build teams time, maybe you could lighten the load with some talented builders if you review some applications? Just a thought :)
But seriously, thanks so much to the kind active people on the server and thanks so much to the staff members that actually communicate with the community. You know who you are and we all appreciate you very much.
Please do not send any hate towards the higher staff members only talk about the situation not personal or mean things