Map name:Quartz land
Creators: Starter:Ek0s Helper:zLdubot
Parkour block:iron_ore
Player Podium block: lapis block
Download link:
Map name:Quartz land
Creators: Starter:Ek0s Helper:zLdubot
Parkour block:iron_ore
Player Podium block: lapis block
Download link:
looks awesome
I forgot the map link
Your map looks cool, but I feel like it’s a bit empty
Also, chests automatically get placed in the air (I think) so you should only place chests in spots where you are 100% sure you want a chest there.
That being said, that map does look cool and I would love to play on it!
Good luck!
Edit: Also, you can edit your post with the pencil icon to add the download link, instead of putting it in the comments
The walls are a bit bland and could do good with some more design. I do like how you used different white blocks though.
Do u have any ideas what i can place into the map if yes please write them here thx
I’m not really a builder so I couldn’t give specific ideas of what to put, but it’s more empty near the top, if that’s helpful.
ok thanks
I’d suggest to add more structures as there is quite a lot of empty space in it which could be filled in with structures of some sort. Also I see the map name is Quartz land but what is the theme of this map? Is it based on anything in particular?
Other then that the map looks cool and I would give a +0.5
Best of luck!
First off, you don’t have to place chests/end portal frames everywhere unless you REALLY need them there.
The walls are too bland and uninteresting.
The map seems too generic to feel like a map with intrigue and a interesting genre.
If I am one to complain, there is too much quartz. Try to mix it up with a gradient of other white blocks. (i.e. Wool, Iron [Note: only use it where you’re sure no players in-game can mine it and get an advantage.])
This map spawns a level of déjà vu, as it looks like a train wreck of collided maps
What you could do to improve would be increase the palette and make the map more unique.
Getting off of that topic, the map does not directly follow the Map Submission template listed here, and the download link isn’t specified on the post, rather on the comment section, making the topic less unified.
The map name is too generic, and it feels like too many maps have been submitted in a manor as such with quartz and white blocks making the genre quite stale for new people to hop into building these types of woolwars maps.
To be fair, the map doesn’t even have a strict theme you’d see with regular maps.
I hope you best of luck on your building adventures!
First off, you have used Iron Blocks to build your chains. It has been said in the book of intructions that it is prohibited to use them as people can craft armor etc.
The walls are very bland being only quartz and glowstone, this is just a simple world edit and does not look very appealing.
The blending is off-point as the map’s main block color is white and you have made a island out of grass? If a map has one of these, they have made it so that it blends well and makes the aesthetic stand to its full potential.
Best of luck!! <33
Essentially you are correct, however if you were to use them, they have been used correctly in this submission, as if they are connected to barriers or bedrock, they cannot be mined.
Ah yes thanks for bringing this to my attention, this does make this map 1.16 glitchable as you are most likely to get stuck if you crouch. Its hard to explain how but there are many youtube videos that show why it happens <3
A good example of this is the map “A Better Place” by @Terror182751581 and @LightStarXD
You can’t use barrier blocks…
Yes you can
Barriers can be used to cover up spaces from being teleported into, or to make it so the blocks next to them can’t be broken (Or as Boop’s said) however the mapmaker sees fit
Please don’t misinform people if you are not sure about what you are saying. Barriers can be used in maps if the map maker sees fit to use them for a specific purpose in the map. Any blocks next to barriers cannot be broken and if that’s how they’ve intended to use them in this map (which it seems is the case) then that is fine.
Fair enough
Hey there,
Unfortunately your submission has been unsuccessful this time, but please don’t be discouraged! We are always delighted any time we get new maps from players and we’d love to see more of these from you! Thank you for your submission!