Meida rank apply

My username is Metsboy86YT My channel is Metsboy86 Thanks for your time -Lloyd/Mets

use the correct format

Where is it

good question

Hey @Metsboy86YT!

As ShadowLegend27 said, please use the correct format when applying for Media rank.

You can find the format here:
Apply for Media Rank. :upside_down_face:

Good Luck!

Updated **Channel link:**

Number of subs: 61

Average number of views per vid: 10-20

**How long you have been creating content for Munchy or other servers: a day

Servers for which you have created content: uh umm i frogot the server

What do you feel would make you a good candidate for Media on MunchyMC? I will host events and make Munchy great again

i’m pretty sure your channel doesn’t have the proper requirements to get media rank… the last part wasn’t very good either

Is this a troll app?

its not

As stated your channel meets next to none of the requirements for you to be given media rank on the server at this time.

It is a troll app

No its not

Not even at 100 subs | 1,500 is required

He isn’t applying for media duh - he’s applying for meida. It’s like Mod vs Jr. Mod

Unfortunatly you do not meet the requirements for this rank.

Please wait at least a month before you re-apply, making sure you meet the rank requirements. (They can be found here)

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