2020 has been an incredibly difficult year for many people all across the world. However, I hope that this year has not been too harsh on you and that despite all of the hardships it has also brought you joy at times. With many of us locked inside by countless restrictions, 2020 has also been an incredibly active year for Munchy due to many of our members working tirelessly to improve everyone else’s experiences. With the year finally coming to an end, I would like to honour the most active and impactful members within our community.
With the help of our management team, I have nominated 5 members for each of the categories and all of you will be able to vote on who you think deserves the title the most. The 3 main categories from last year are making a comeback, but we have also added 4 new server-specific categories in order to give more people a chance to get the recognition they deserve. The results will be hidden until the polls close on January 1st, at which point the winners will be determined and announced. Here is a list of all previous winners.
To shine some more light on the community, admins have been excluded from all categories but the best staff member. Furthermore, as the head admin, Antfrost has again been excluded from all of the following lists. He already knows how important he is to us and I don’t want him to steal the spotlight from everyone else. The same goes for BadBoyHalo and Dream.
At the bottom of this post, you will find some exciting statistics about Munchy’s most active members of the year!
PS: Click on the “Nominee” spoilers to read a description of each of the nominated players and their contributions!
Best Newcomer of 2020
Making a lasting impact on a community like Munchy requires a lot of effort and commitment and it takes many people years of work to get to that point. Even more impressive is achieving the same within just a few months of joining the server. In this category, we would like to honour the people who have joined Munchy just this year and quickly managed to make a lasting impact or rose through the ranks at an unchallenged pace.
Nominees - Click to expand
Vote for the MunchyMC Newcomer of 2020!
Newcomer of the year
Best Community Member of 2020
As a community, Munchy is not just definied by its staff members but also by its players. The contributions you can make to the project MunchyMC are countless and come in all shapes: your ideas, builds, feedback, games, community guides, etc. can all significantly improve the experience of many of our players. In this category, we would like to shine a light on the players who have been able to shape the server globally or in a non-gamemode-specific way.
Nominees - Click to expand
Vote for the MunchyMC Community Member of 2020!
Community Member of the year
Best Staff Member of 2020
Our staff members are the backbone of our community and they are the ones making this server work. Many of them have invested countless of their hours into the server to bring you guys new content, quality-of-life changes and to improve the community as a whole. In this category, I would like to take a look at my fellow staff members with the most impressive accomplishments in 2020.
Nominees - Click to expand
Vote for the MunchyMC Staff Member of 2020!
Staff Member of the year
Best KitPvP Member of 2020
2020 has been a calm year for kitpvp. Even though many plans were made for the future of the gamemode, the big changes are yet to come. However, this does not mean that the community hasn’t been able to entertain themselves and each other. The following players were most successful in upgrading the kitpvp experience for everyone else.
Nominees - Click to expand
Vote for the MunchyMC KitPvP Member of 2020!
KitPvP Member of the year
Best Prison Member of 2020
Prison map 7 has been the most successful prison map yet. Even though the prison community definitely has some black sheeps, it also has some outstanding members who have actively fought for an improvement of the server and have kept the community as big and strong as it has been this year. Here’s to a great map 8 and cheers to the people who made map 7 awesome!
Nominees - Click to expand
Vote for the MunchyMC Prison Member of 2020!
Prison Member of the year
Best Survival Member of 2020
Survival is probably known to many as the friendliest of our communities. We would like to honour the people who have been the most instrumental to creating and maintaing the friendly atmosphere and the many updates that survival has received in 2020.
Nominees - Click to expand
Vote for the MunchyMC Survival Member of 2020!
Survival Member of the year
Best WoolWars Member of 2020
WoolWars has probably received the most noticeable changes in 2020. The huge update in April has revived and massively iimproved the gamemode and attracted a completely new community. We would like to honour everyone who has turned WoolWars into what it is today.
I really appreciate the forums community, posts like these really put into perspective how diverse and just awesome all the people here are. Good luck everybody nominated, and I want everybody reading this to know how amazing you are!!!
Oh and I forgot, massive props to the people behind the scenes and everybody who keeps munchy running. I’m so glad I’m able to be a part of this community, thank you!!