IGN: Aquilz
Timezone: AEDT
Discord Name: Aquilz#9729
How long have you played MunchyMC?: I have been playing Munchy Basically every day for a couple of weeks I have came on and off of the server for a many moths now I’m pretty active. I have been playing since late 2019 or early 2020 . So I have been around the server for 2 years.
How active can you be per week?: I can go up to 19 hours a week. I am a quick builder though I and have been using things like world edit or just hand building and I like to make my builds quick but tidy.
Do you have any punishments on our Network? If so, what for?: I have not had any punishments on MunchyMc
Please link a portfolio of all your most recent build projects: I have 2 big builds one being a sumo/event map a KitPvP map and a small hub/lobby
Please tell us more about your FAVOURITE and PROUDEST build: My most proudest build would have to be the KitPvP map it took about a week to build and I am very proud of what i have created I enjoyed making the mountains and the head statue of myself I believe the mountains were that touch to make it look great in my opinion.
How experienced are you with World Edit, Voxel and other building plugins?:
WorldEdit - I have used world edit for a very long time. I used to build for other servers a while ago but I did not screenshot it and the server has shut down it did not have a name because we did not feel like it needed one and the ip was just numbers. I am quite experienced with how world edit works and the advanced information into it.
VoxelSniper - Voxel Sniper I have used a few times but I really have not gone to deep into it because I need to learn a few more things about it to use it comfortably
Describe your build specialty and weaknesses (detailing, terraforming, structures, etc.): My biggest weakness would have to be houses I am not the greatest at knowing how high to go and what to build because I do not know if it looks realistic or not and if there are supposed to be certain foundations in certain places and also I am the worst at roofs. I have always struggled on roofs and I never knew why I have friends who can perfect it and my looks really chunky and looks like a massive blob. Then my greatest strength when building is definitely terraforming mountains or bumpy land and I think that the WorldEdit brush tool has helped a lot with learning terraforming.
“”What is your history of building? If applicable, which build teams and/or servers have you worked for in the past?** I have only been builder/staff on one server and I messed around and had fun with people I mostly knew.
On a scale of 1-10, how well do you work with others? Please expand upon your answer: I love to work and communicate with other builders or anyone on a project/build. If I were to scale it 1-10 I would give myself an 8 because there are still things that I have to work on. One of the things I got to work on is seeing other peoples perspective and where they are coming from.
Have you applied for Builder before? If so, what was your reason for denial? How have you looked at improving since? No I have never applied for builder on MunchyMc.