MunchyMC Clans
A Complete Guide
What are Clans?
Clans are a fun and competitive way to bring all your friends together! In a clan you can unlock multiple perks such as clan chat and clan wars! Clans are on every MunchyMC server other than Prison & Survival Games!
How do I Create a Clan?
To create a clan, use the command “/clan create NAME TAG” with a 3 letter tag. Once you have created your clan, you’re able to upgrade it using “/clan rankup” or “/clan levelup”, invite friends using “/clan invite”. A fully upgraded clan will cost 86,000 tokens (including the 1,000 to create)!
What do Clans do?
Clans have special clan tags! Clan tags are normally a shorter version of the clan name which shows at the start of someones name! No clan will have the same tag, meaning each clan is unique and you can show off or brag about being in your clan! Clans can also unlock perks such as clan chat, and join in with clan wars on the KitPvP server!
What are Clan Ranks?
Currently there are 4 clan ranks, each upgrading your clan more than the last.
Rank 1:
ㅤ ⮞ Cost 1,000 Tokens.
ㅤ ⮞ Clan tag may be up to 3 characters and is visible at the beginning of your name.
ㅤ ⮞ Cannot change clan tags color from light gray.
Rank 2:
ㅤ ⮞ Cost 5,000 Tokens.
ㅤ ⮞ Clan tag may be up to 3 characters and is visible at the beginning of your name.
ㅤ ⮞ Cannot change clan tags color from light gray.
Rank 3:
ㅤ ⮞ Cost 10,000 Tokens.
ㅤ ⮞ Clan tag may be up to 4 characters and is visible at the beginning of your name.
ㅤ ⮞ Cannot change clan tags color from light gray.
ㅤ ⮞ Access to private clan chat.
ㅤ ⮞ Clan may have up to 2 officers.
Rank 4:
ㅤ ⮞ Cost 15,000 Tokens.
ㅤ ⮞ Clan tag may be up to 5 characters and is visible at the beginning of your name.
ㅤ ⮞ Can chance clan tags colors.
ㅤ ⮞ Access to private clan chat.
ㅤ ⮞ Clan may have up to 4 officers.
ㅤ ⮞ Access to obfuscated clan tags.
ㅤ ⮞ Access to italic clan tags.
ㅤ ⮞ Access to underlined clan tags.
ㅤ ⮞ Access to strikethroughed clan tags.
ㅤ ⮞ Access to bold clan tags.
What are Clan Levels?
Currently there are 5 clan levels, each upgrading your clan more than the last.
Default Level:
ㅤ ⮞ Free.
ㅤ ⮞ 5 clan slots.
Level 1:
ㅤ ⮞ Cost 10,000 Tokens.
ㅤ ⮞ 7 clan slots.
Level 2:
ㅤ ⮞ Cost 20,000 Tokens.
ㅤ ⮞ 9 clan slots.
Level 3:
ㅤ ⮞ Cost 30,000 Tokens.
ㅤ ⮞ 11 clan slots.
Level 4:
ㅤ ⮞ Cost 40,000 Tokens.
ㅤ ⮞ 13 clan slots.
Level 5:
ㅤ ⮞ Cost 50,000 Tokens.
ㅤ ⮞ 15 clan slots.
Level 6:
ㅤ ⮞ Cost 60,000 Tokens.
ㅤ ⮞ 17 clan slots.
Level 7:
ㅤ ⮞ Cost 70,000 Tokens.
ㅤ ⮞ 19 clan slots.
Level 8:
ㅤ ⮞ Cost 80,000 Tokens.
ㅤ ⮞ 21 clan slots.
Level 9:
ㅤ ⮞ Cost 90,000 Tokens.
ㅤ ⮞ 23 clan slots.
Level 10:
ㅤ ⮞ Cost 100,000 Tokens.
ㅤ ⮞ 25 clan slots.
How do I Color my Clan tag?
To color and format clan tags you must use the & color and format codes.
Color Codes:
&0 = Black
&1 = Dark Blue
&2 = Dark Green
&3 = Dark Aqua
&4 = Dark Red
&5 = Dark Purple
&6 = Gold
&7 = Gray
&8 = Dark Gray
&9 = Blue
&a = Green
&b = Aqua
&c = Red
&d = Light Purple
&e = Yellow
&f = White
Format Codes:
&k = Obfuscated
&l = Bold
&m = Strikethrough
&n = Underline
&o = Italic
&r = Reset
Clan Commands
Clan commands are used to interact with your clan.
- All officer & member commands.
GLOBAL /clan disband ⮞ Used to disband your clan.
GLOBAL /clan rankup ⮞ Used to rank up your clan.
GLOBAL /clan levelup ⮞ Used to level up your clan.
GLOBAL /clan tag ⮞ Used to change your clan tag.
GLOBAL /clan promote ⮞ Used to promote members to officer or leader.
GLOBAL /clan demote ⮞ Used to demote officers to members.
SURVIVAL /clanclaim ⮞ Used to create a clan claim.
SURVIVAL /clanmenu ⮞ Opens clan menu, same as officers but with more permissions.
- All member commands.
GLOBAL /clan invite ⮞ Used to invite people to your clan.
GLOBAL /clan kick ⮞ Used to kick members or officers from the clan.
SURVIVAL /clanmenu ⮞ Used to open clan menu.
SURVIVAL /clanclaim removehologram ⮞ Used to remove a hologram.
SURVIVAL /clanclaim hologramlist ⮞ Used to view all holograms.
SURVIVAL /clanclaim sethologramline ⮞ Edit the holograms line.
- All no clan commands, other than create & join.
GLOBAL /clan hush ⮞ Hides clan chat.
GLOBAL /clan leave ⮞ Used to leave the clan.
GLOBAL /clan chat ⮞ Used to enter or leave clan chat.
GLOBAL /clan deposit ⮞ Used to deposit tokens into the clan, used to level or rank up.
SURVIVAL /toggleclancape ⮞ Used to disable clan cape after purchased from /clanmenu.
SURVIVAL /toggleclancrown ⮞ Used to disable clan crown after purchased from /clanmenu.
SURVIVAL /toggleclantrail ⮞ Used to disable clan trail after purchased from /clanmenu.
SURVIVAL /clanclaim giveblocks ⮞ Used to deposit claim blocks for the clan to create a clan claim.
SURVIVAL /clanclaim blockbalance ⮞ Used to view amount of claim blocks clan has.
No Clan:
- GLOBAL /clan create ⮞ Used to create your clan.
GLOBAL /clan join ⮞ Used to join a clan after receiving an invite.
GLOBAL /clan info ⮞ Used to view info about a clan.
KITPVP /clankillstreaks ⮞ Used to view active clan kill streaks.
Thank you for Reading
Guide by EvilRat