Hello Munchies!
In this month’s newsletter, we have some exciting news to share with you. May will be an eventful month and we brought some teasers and announcements for you. With Staff Applications open currently, you guys can expect a lot of new faces next time around!
- Twinkiewinkie has been promoted to KitPvP and Survival Games Moderator!
Junior Moderator
- AceCaptainRex has been promoted to WoolWars Junior Moderator!
- SurvivalHelper has been promoted to Survival Helper!
- DanTheDadBot has been promoted to Survival Helper!
Build Team
- OreoMilkshakeYyz has joined the Build Team!
Written by BFI01.
Staff Member of the Month
I would like to remind all of you to submit suggestions as to who should be the next month’s nominee by sending me a dm. I will take all messages into consideration when choosing the next Staff Member of the Month! Take this as an opportunity to point out the people you think are underappreciated or did something remarkable recently. Thank you!
Now, let’s go into this month’s nomination!
TwinkieWinkie & McDonalds
As voted by the community, the staff members of the month April are McDonalds and TwinkieWinkie with 25 votes each. These results are not at all surprising since both of these moderators have gained a huge amount of popularity within our community through their distinct personalities.
A list of all the past Staff Members of the Month can be found here.
Written by cheater_.
KitPvP Highlights!
KitPvP saw the conclusion of two major events this month! The first of which of course is the KitPvP Season V Competition! Secondly, the KitPvP Clans Season also concluded this month! Further information on both below:
Seasonal Kills
262ms | 15409
zuos | 13348
Yutz | 12884
OverlyDedicated | 10790
UrsaGames | 10722
Seasonal KDR
Azes | 1059
Jenkyy | 560
xLuuk_ | 468
cuvli | 293.5
Seasonal Killstreak
errxr | 1242
Zayyy | 1053
262ms | 458
Clans Season WInner
Congratulations to HIGH for winning this clans season! Well done @oBears, @Originals, and @Untils on leading the clan to victory! All participating members were given the following tag as their prize.
Written by Mikeal.
Prison Highlights!
While it was a pretty quiet month for prison, we saw the introduction of a new ultra and three new ultra legendaries (Venom Goo, Venom Legs and Venom Feet)!
Some helpful new commands were also added for your playing pleasure; /togglejoinsounds to ignore player join noises, /toggleprestigedrops to ignore prestige party drops and /filter for an optional chat filter!
As per usual, there were many fixes and item balancing which you can view in game with /changelog!
Top Ranked 
#1 - Chance1337 - (XVIII)(C1)
#2 - PotatoInMyBum - (XVIII)(New)
#4 - N0X - (XVII)(B1)
#5 - HakuFN - (XVI)(A2)
#6 - RubyFeynix - (XV)(B1)
#7 - Craz33 - (XV)(C1)
#8 - biz10 - (XIV)(New)
#9 - Micatchu - (XIII)(A4)
#10 - ___Floki___ - (XIII)(A4)
Top Mined Blocks 
#1 - Palm_Tree - ~ 43,223,000
#2 - Shoblette - ~ 39,485,000
#3 - RubyFeynix - ~ 29,812,000
#4 - Chance1137 - ~ 18,217,000
#5 - akxmii - ~ 16,865,000
#6 - DanSwag_ - ~ 14,787,000
#7 - Mony10 - ~ 11,244,000
#8 - ___Floki___ - ~ 10,973,000
#9 - ObeyIsHot - ~ 10,850,000
#10 - MoonlightFruit - ~ 9,574,000
Most Chests Looted 
#1 - HqLo - ~ 1,450,000
#2 - LIGHTSKINFELIX - ~ 1,334,000
#3 - widow123456 - ~ 1,086,000
#4 - MYTHICAL_RARE - ~ 1,000,000
#5 - N0X - ~ 975,000
#6 - finessedkid - ~ 716,000
#7 - errxr - ~ 693,000
#8 - Scrubee - ~ 597,000
#9 - bhi - ~ 592,000
#10- cosmxs - ~ 550,000
Written by dxlicaterose.
Survival Highlights!
It was a very calm month on survival, as everyone is waiting patiently for the restart, but we have still something to give !
I. Survival reset
It’s happening folks, it’s happening! With the survival reset being right around the corner, 2 teasers have been released this month! Will you discover their secrets?
Click here and there to check them out, and get on the hype train with us if you haven’t already!
II. Competitions
[PENDING RESULTS] Best Base Build Competition - Judged by BBH!
The competition is closed and we are all waiting impatiently for the results! They should be out soon to keep your eyes peeled
As a reminder, the rewards are:
First place: 1 Month VIP++ rank, exclusive coloured glow effect (of your choice) and 25 Crate keys
Second place: 1 Month VIP+ rank, exclusive coloured glow effect (of your choice) and 20 Crate keys
Third place: Exclusive coloured glow effect (of your choice) and 15 Crate keys
Rewards will be given at the start of the new map, don’t worry!
To see all the amazing entries, click on this link !
III. Survival quote of the month
No survival quote this month unfortunately :(
If you want to make your own contribution to this section with funny quotes you see on the global survival chat, make sure to send your quotes @Aiadeva#9730 on discord! I will give credit for the screenshot :D
That’s it for this month everyone, stay on the hype train for the reset with us and we will see you all in game!
Written by Aiadeva.
Wool Wars Highlights!
- Did you hear how the farmer got so much wool from his sheep this year?
It was shear luck
I’m not sorry
Welcome back to the WoolWars section of the newsletter!
Easter Update
Thanks to Moon1e and DoublesHelix, the WoolWars lobby received a lovely reskin for Easter!
The MunchyMC Egg Hunt brought a new kit to WoolWars! By finding all of the WoolWars eggs, players could receive the Easter kit as a reward! Now, with the Easter spirit, you may spawn in some bunny friends, feed them, pet them , and use them to kill other players. How cute!
WoolWars Easter Egg Hunt
There was not just 1, but rather 2 egg hunts this month on WoolWars! Aside from the aforementioned global egg hunt, there was an Egg Hunt hosted by TheBoop where players had to find 24 eggs spread around the WoolWars lobby.
Congratulations to Devonymous for winning, gifting a total of 14 days of ELITE to players!
Floating Island Build Competition!
This month, all Munchies will have the oppurtunity to show off their build skills, by building an island that will be permanently displayed in the WoolWars lobby!
The Competition will close June 1st, or until 3 islands have been selected.
The winners(up to 3 builders per island) will receive a tag of their choice!
See here for more information
New Map Monday & Map Rotation
This month, the Weekly Map Rotation was introduced! From now on, 14 different maps from the current pool are picked, going to a total of 15 maps per rotation when adding up the New Map Monday creation!
Here are the maps introduced this month!
Week 12 - Bunny Day
The Appa Clan are back with it again!
Built by Joekoe, ImBoris, and beanep, the “Bunny Day” map was introduced for winning the Easter Map competition hosted by TheBoop
Week 13 - Lift Off
“It is one small step for man. One giant leap for mankind.”
Built by TonyMax and Penguinsss, Lift Off is now in the map pool for Week 13!
Week 14 - Birdcage
Week 15 - CandyLand
Mmmm sweet…
Built by oMaggie, LilLunaa, Jelliey, Haekkkk_, RainbowDoggo, Rishs, Moon1e, Omarmu and possok, CandyLand joins the map rotation!
Thank you to all the builders for these new and amazing maps!
To another great month, have a good one lads.
Written by Serioux and McDonalds.
Build Team
Our Newest BUILDER!
Congratulations to @OreoMilkshakeYyz on his promotion to Builder! He managed to finish his trial in less than a day, which is insane. We hope to see him around the Build team server, improving and working on new maps!