I hate munchy. Late April fools!
Edit: I thought this joke would be funny. Plz reply by telling me this is funny, my ego needs it
This was extremely funny scop.
This…… was a joke of extreme comical proportions…… and twas exceedingly excellent! Thine has truly proven to be worthy of wooing thines audience with comedic giggles and laughs! Truly the pinnacle of a joke….!!! I shall laugh about this for a fortnight!!!
@Mysaan can u please do the artist interview next month thx
I should be interviewed first for it Fr.
They are every other month, so yeah there will be one
Can Kitpvp give a shout-out to groundhog in the next?
Also woolwars poopers cause it’s best clan.
Well, baguettes have got to be a light weapon. So I imagine you could dual wield them if you had two. But you’d only be able to add your ability modifier to the damage of the first glorious, flaky, warm, buttery hit. Now do you think they might have either the versatile or thrown qualities? Finesse for sure!
As long as I can do the battlefront 2 grievous lunge I’m good with it
woo news!
@kr1tzie’s art was by far the best art this month
W drawing