Hello everyone and welcome to the 63rd edition of the newsletter. Hope you all had a wonderful April. Let’s get into all the fun stuff from this month!
Event Server
- DutchMTC has been promoted to Event Server Manager!
- SizzleBurger has been promoted to Event Moderator!
Written by DutchMTC.
There is no news for KitPvP this month unfortunately… unless???
Anyways… let’s get to Question of the Month!
Written by DutchMTC.
Prison Staff Applications
The Prison Staff applications have officially been closed! Once again; Good luck to all applicants! Can’t wait to see all the new staff.
Happy (belated) Easter!
New rares were added this month, the Easter rare. These Easter rares can be found in Easter crates which you can buy on the MunchyMC store or fished up at level 91. They were also added to Prisonbreak!
Valentine’s rares can now be found outside.
Arrow crates were also added, in which you can different types of arrows!
This month also saw the addition of a new Extinct rare! The odds of finding an Extinct were also buffed, can you find the new Extinct rare? Try your luck at /warp exit!
New Fabled Legendary and Ultra Legendary
The long awaited Fabled Snow White Ribbon was finally added! Happy farming!
The PVP aspect of the game obviously saw a new addition too, the Ultra Legendary Shrek’s Skullsmasher, which was also added to Prisonbreak.
To see the full list of added, nerfed, buffed or adjusted items this month, type /cl in game to see the changelog.
Map 9 Leaderboards
Don’t forget that we have over $1000 IN PRIZES being rewarded to those who are ranked the highest across the following categories at the end of the map!
Highest Rank 
#1 - Tarteris - (28)(D1)
#2 - MalaVT - (23)(A4)
#3 - leeaff - (XX)(New)
Most Ultras Found 
#1 - liambgames - 6,799
#2 - ImTooFatToRun - 5,134
#3 - NotOryx - 2,842
Top Fisher 
#1 - IceBreaker420 - 102L
Top Logger 
#1 - Neonmuffin_ - 1,289,390
Top Miner 
#1 - MOW3 - 16,498,724
Top Farmer 
#1 - Tuxmux - 1,171,277
Written by DonutJack.
Good evening folks and welcome to the Survival section of April’s Newsletter! I hope you all had a safe and fun Easter if you celebrate, and if not just a great month in general! Let’s quickly jump right into the news for this month.
I. [RESULTS] Easter Mapart Competition
This month brought about the end of the Easter Mapart Competition hosted by @danior and @VioletRay with the wonderful @Devonymous and @Mysaan judging! Let’s take a glance at the winning maps, shall we?
with their mapart “Easter Bunny”
They won:
15x Crate Keys
1x Floral Easter Bunny Trophy
EXCLUSIVE Coloured Glow Effect (of your choice)
Monesteir, Keneke, Tarteris
with their mapart “Egg Hunt”
They won:
10x Crate Keys
1x Choco Bunny Trophy
EXCLUSIVE Coloured Glow Effect (of your choice)
LunaInSpace, ChipperHen
with their mapart “Blooming Love”
They won:
8x Crate Keys
1x Kawaii Easter Steve Trophy
EXCLUSIVE Coloured Glow Effect (of your choice)
Congratulations to all the winners! All the maparts were truly stuning. Thank you to everyone who participated!
II. Spring Crates
Also released this month are the Spring Crates! Released on the 2nd of April, these crates brought around brand new gadgets, pets, particles and more! To find out more, or to buy these amazing crates, click here!
What is your favourite Custom Enchantment?
- Teleportation
- Lava Touch
- Precision
- Brute Force
- Vitality
- Rocket Jump
- Shulker Vision
- Multihook
And that brings us to the end of the Survival section in the April 2023 newsletter! Thank you all for reading so far, and we hope you had an amazing April, and here’s to a better May! Summer is coming!
Written by infernalfae.
Hello everyone. Zombiebot01 here, and welcome back to Woolwars. As always, nothing happened, but don’t worry! I’ve cooked something up for you to read while we all wait.
Woolwars tier list tier list
This is my tier list of all woolwars tier lists. I hope you enjoy.
Not a tier list
How does someone manage to make a tier list post and forget to actually create the tier list. I do not know.
D Tier
These lists make me sad. Why did you rank 2020 glider as C tier. Why did you say oasis island was a good map. Why did you use the 3d cobweb texture for Spider-Man when all your other images are 2d. If I saw one of these tier lists in real life I would probably run away and cry into my life-sized Badboyhalo body pillow.
C Tier
These lists aren’t really noteworthy. Some of them are decent though. Iron made a kit tier list based only which ones he thought were fun, which was cool I guess. Plaz and Zach made a kit tier list for if bouncy didn’t exist, but for some reason they rated healer as number one. Bea got her whole clan together to make a map tier list. Overall I give these tier lists three puffer-fishes out of five.
B Tier
These are some pretty good tier lists. Psyfi made a map tier list and then went through each one and explained his reasons. Helix recycled a joke tier list from a year ago and made it into an actual post that promised to give people money. Boris ranked woolwars lobby 1.0 as F tier which means he is now my favorite player and I will be donating all my tokens to his clan.
A Tier
Now we’re getting into what I like to call “the cool zone”. Plaz made a kit tier list but populated it with surveys and polls to see what the community thought. Zombiebot1 made a B-tier post about the event update, but I’m putting it up in A because I just think it’s that good (unbiased).
S Tier
When I have trouble falling asleep at night I think about these tier lists. Shinbownoodles made probably the best ever kit tier list template and I will use it forever. All the images are so recognizable and even labelled. Our final tier list was made by Kiwi_Boi. You think skeppygirl is cool? This absolute chad of a man made an entire tier list post just to rank archer as S, not rate any other kit, and then dip. This was his last ever forum post. Kiwi_Boi went so hard that he accidentally quit munchy.
I hope you enjoyed my woolwars tier list tier list. If you want to make a tier list tier list of your own, click here. Maybe if we get enough templates I can make a woolwars tier list tier list tier list!
In any case, see you all next month for more quality woolwars newsletter content!
Do not get mad at me if I ranked your favorite tier list in D tier. I promise I do not actually hate you.
Written by ZombieBotGun.
Community Art Highlights! 
Hello people and non people! Welcome back to the community art highlights, happy to have you here. As always the artwork channel has been filled with so many amazing and beautiful art pieces from so many wonderful people, let’s take a look!