HELLO EVERYONE! In case you somehow missed the glaring title of this post, this is the December 2022 edition of the MunchyMc newsletter. Welcome! We have a lot of fun content prepared for you this month, so hurry and get to reading!
Unless you actually did miss the title of this post. In that case you should probably make sure your eyes aren’t missing. Then feel free to come back and enjoy this monthly treat!
Written by ZombieBot1
Junior Developer
- cahrypt has been promoted to Junior Developer!
- DutchMTC has been promoted to Survival Moderator!
- iNateCo has been promoted to KitPvP Moderator!
Written by DutchMTC.
Munchy of the Year 2022
It’s that wonderful time of the year again, the fourth annual Munchy of the Year competition is now taking place! Take a look at the most active players on the server in 2022, and be sure to cast your votes on who you think should be crowned the Munchies of the year by Friday, January 13th.
Written by Atterax.
Hello Minecraftians and welcome back to this month’s KitPvP section!
I hope you all had a very merry Christmas and a happy new year and while we’re at the topic of Christmas, let’s talk about the amazing Christmas map by @Hi_Im_Mikey that returned this month!
Unfortunately there wasn’t a lot to cover for KitPvP this month, so let’s get to Question of the Month!
Written by DutchMTC.
12 Days of Christmas! 
This month Santa made a surprise visit to the server! Throughout the Christmas period, players were able to find special Christmas presents by looting, mining, logging wood, fishing and farming. Every 2 hours a lottery at spawn was drawn for all Christmas present holders, with the chance of winning being proportional to the amount of presents each player earned.
New Items
As a special christmas gift, new items were added! A new mythical rare can now be found by looting outside and there are two more ultra legendaries (Big Wolf Legs and Snow White Dress).
As per usual, we have some item buffs, nerfs and adjustments this month. You can view the full changelog by typing /cl while online on prison.
Map 9 Leaderboards
Don’t forget that we have over $1000 IN PRIZES being rewarded to those who are ranked the highest across the following categories at the end of the map!
Highest Rank 
#1 - Tarteris - (XVIII)(D2)
#2 - PlateCleaner - (XVIII)(New)
#3 - Tuxmux - (XVII)(D4)
Most Ultras Found 
#1 - PR0MISE - 1,848
#2 - xLuuk_ - 1,847
#3 - liambgames - 1,553
Top Fisher 
#1 - PapaCoach - 96L
Top Logger 
#1 - PixelXArcher - 351,816
Top Miner 
#1 - Shoblette - 14,108,658
Top Farmer 
#1 - Tuxmux - 1,064,249
Written by dxlicaterose.
GOOD EVENING FOLKS AND WELCOME TO A BRAND NEW SEASON OF SURVIVAL! Well, truthfully the new season started on the 10th of December, but shhhhh… the Newsletters don’t come out in the middle of the month! We hope you all had a great Christmas & New Years, and if you don’t celebrate, just a great holidays in general! Without further adieu, let’s jump into the Survival Section of this Newsletter!
I. [RESULTS] Winter Skin Competition! 
In December, one of the final events held in Season 3 was the Winter Skin Competition! This event was hosted by the lovely @VioletRay & @danior and judged by themselves and the nooby @Devonymous and the wonderful @Mysaan!
Let’s quickly take a look at the winners!!!
First Place: Repuffin & Starry_Dreams!
Second Place: Pingu_God!
Third Place: LoveBlue & pesusalla!
Congrats to the winners and thank you to everyone who participated! Yalls skins were amazing!
II. [RESULTS] Best of S3 Competition!
Also hosted in December for the end of the Season was the Best of Season 3 Competition! This competition had five categories and around ~20 people who placed! Let’s quickly get to the winners!!
Sheesh. Like I said, a LOT of people who placed. Congrats to all who placed and thank you to everyone else who participated! Y’all are incredible!!!
III. [RESULTS] Best Base Competition (S3)
The final event of Season 3 was the Best Base Competition! This was hosted by the lovely @Alkemystix! It included judging from @paengi and @Twinkiewinkie with the final judge being the one and only @BadBoyHalo!
Let’s jump quickly into the winners!!!
First Place: Pingu_God - “Cathedral of Lost Souls”
Second Place: Repuffin - “Repuffins Mushroom Base”
Third Place: Scop211 - “Scop’s Needle”
The bases were truly stunning this season. Congrats to all the winners!!
Survival has received LOTS of exciting new content, with even more to come soon. Brand new spawn & mall maps, quests, events, custom pets, accessories, bossfights, and more! There’s a lot to explore, take a look at the new Guide to Survival Season 4 for more information.
V. Christmas Secret Santa! 
Survival was brought a wonderful new festive event this holiday season: Secret Santa!
This was a gift-exchange event wherein players could submit gifts for their friends to “Santa” at spawn, which would then be gifted anonymously on Christmas Eve!
VI. New Years Creeper Event! 
On New Year’s Eve, 23 creepers appeared with gifts for all of us! These creepers were hidden all around spawn, some in plain sight and others in nooks and crannies right under your nose. To those who took the time to search for them, each of the 23 creepers gave a little gift in the spirit of New Year’s, ending with a lovely exclusive badge for those who found them all!
And there we have it folks! Thank you all for reading the Survival section of this months Newsletter! Next month’s will be a much more calm newsletter, but there is more stuff coming this year! I hope you all had a safe holidays, and Happy New Year to you all!!
Written by infernalfae.
Hello everyone. It is me, ZombieBot01, here to tell you about the events of Woolwars this month. The only problem being that nothing happened this month. Never fear though!
First, let me get one thing out of the way. I think it goes without saying that we’re all completely overjoyed to see @cvora finally gone from the staff team. With all of his hacking, abuse, embezzlement, and other crime, Woolwars had really took a downward turn. Let’s all hope that the playercount goes up now that he’s no longer here!
In last year’s newsletter, I started a yearly tradition called Woolwars:Year in Review. At the end of each year, I go through every month and recap what took place. This allows us to step back and see how far Woolwars has come! I promised that I would continue the tradition this year if BFI01 hadn’t demoted me yet, and, well, here we are! Without further ado…
Woolwars got off to a great start in January. The results of the New Years Map Competition were finally released, adding many new maps to the game! Staff season also began in January, and many great community members applied and were accepted into the team!
Have you ever wanted Woolwars to be harder? No? Well TOO BAD. February brought challenges to Woolwars. Hope you had fun!
Have you ever wanted to fight your friends? Have you ever wanted to fight all your friends? Have you ever wanted to fight all of your friends while playing on a map that bricks your PC whenever your render distance rises above two chunks? Oh boy, you missed out.
All jokes aside, the Woolwars Free for All was an amazing competition that pushed every player to their limits. Congrats to TonyMax for winning, as well as the four runner-ups!
May brought another new update to Woolwars: quests. This was a feature that the community had been asking about for a long time, and it was great to see it added to the game! The Woolwars Media Competition also started in May. Congrats to the winners DutchMTC, ZombieBot1 (hehe), and KantoKairyu!
The event update was released in June, and it was amazing! This was also a long-requested feature, and all the events are super fun to play. In addition to adding events, this update also nerfed(?) teleporter. Good riddance!
With August came our most recent large-scale event: Wool Cup 2.0. With over 15 teams and 50 players, this was Woolwars’ largest event yet! It started in August and continued all the way through November. Congrats to all the winners!
We’ve run out of pictures of Sol (not really, Brina gave me like 500), so for our final month, enjoy a picture of @Viviannn 's cat Zoey! Her eyes are so big!
That’s all, everyone! 2022 had its ups and downs, but in the end, I’m still hopeful for the future of Woolwars. It’s been a pleasure to go back and look at all the fun things that have happened. Here’s to a great 2023!
Written by ZombieThot1.
Community Art Highlights! 
Hi, all! We’re ending the year 2022 off with December’s stunning batch of artworks by our exceptional community members. Thank you so much to all the wonderful artists of our community for sharing their artwork with us this year!
Click here
Illustration of Alkemystix
Illustration of Sinfonija
Illustration of oChocolate
Illustration of Sp1derSnake & 1Brock
Illustration of kr1tzie
Illustration of TrusteeBuddie
Illustration of UranicPine
Illustration of Devonymous
Illustration of kr1tzie
Illustration of Ibby_
Illustration of Kybz
Illustration of DragonsMaker
Model of Zammyz
Hope you enjoyed these pieces as much as I did, keep an eye on the artwork channel in the community discord and the next newsletters for more! :)
Written by Atterax.
2022 has been a wild ride, and we can’t wait to see where Munchy goes next. Here’s to a great 2023! With love,
-The Newsletter Team