MunchyMC Newsletter: Edition 73 - February 2024
Here comes the end of a lovely month and the beginning of a promising one. For this newsletter, we decided to interview two memorable members of the community, so stick around to find out more about the amazing @MindSongs and @EvilRat. With this being said, here comes the 73rd (wow, already 73?) MunchyMC newsletter!
By the way, I hope you all spent a lovely Valentine’s Day, even if it was with no one else’s company than your own.
Prison Moderator
- DonutJack has been promoted to Prison Moderator!
Prison Trial Moderator
- TheFireGamer210 has been promoted to Prison Trial Moderator!
- zetsies has been promoted to Prison Trial Moderator!
Event Moderator
- EvillRat has been promoted to Event Moderator!
Event Co-Host
- MindSongs has been promoted to Event Co-Host!
Written by EvillRat.
@MindSongs, also known as Sym, joined the server by the end of 2020 and is now a well-known member of the community. Since she joined the Event Builder team a couple of months ago, MindSongs has been creating insanely good-looking maps ever since, and posting many of her accomplishements on the Forums. You might also know Sym for his skills when it comes to painting, or for how active Sym is on the Prison, Survival and Event servers. Very recently, MindSongs was not only nominated in the “Community of the Year 2023” category of the “Munchy of the Year 2023”, but also received a promotion to Co-host for all of his hard work on the Event server. With that being said, here’s the interview!
Click here for the interview!
Where did you first hear of MunchyMC and what incited you to join?
“LOLLLL, okay so the obvious answer is because of BadBoyHalo. I don’t want to talk about the 2020 Sym; I’m pretending she doesn’t exist anymore. But, BadBoyHalo. As much as that’s the most basic answer, it’s the reason why I have, like, all of my friend groups now, so it worked out.”
I’ve seen you mention the origins of your username, “MindSongs”, in a recent post on the Forums. Can you tell me more about how and why you chose it?
"TDLR: Brain goes funny and sees songs in colors and shapes.
I wanted a better username on Twitter than “SymsArtWall” (sorry BadBoyHalo) and I was like hm, “MindSongs”. Wasn’t taken, so why not. Originally, my IGN was “Symphoenae”, which is just a really messed up way of Spelling symphony, which is where “Sym” came from, AKA why I don’t go by “Mind” or “Songs”, like people might assume. Simfonija and I had a braincell before we met. I was also pretty much known for the synesthesia thing by that time on Twitter, so I was like “Why not make it my entire personality and piss off those anons even more who complain that it’s all I talk about?” "
It’s no secret you love painting and are very skillfull at it. Can you tell me more about it? What’s your favorite painting so far?
“Oufff, as an artist I have that really fun and cool “I hate everything I’ve made” mentality LOL. Suppose if I had to choose a favorite painting it would be my synesthesia portrait, because it would be worrying to say I hate that and insinuate I hate myself, so… Painting’s just kinda the way I reconnected with my synesthesia to begin with. For the most part I just ignored it, because I would talk about my experiences with music as a kid and no one knew what the hell I was talking about, so I just thought it wasn’t important. It was when I was a teenager that I even learned what synesthesia was. I like making things. Painting just happens to be my main thing because I would need a kiln for ceramics and those things cost insane and get up to high as hell temperatures. I don’t have anywhere to put one anyways. Lately I’ve been marketing my art for sale on a couple places, but I won’t mention that here because plugging on a MunchyMC forum post is wild.”
“There’s a lot of explaining I would have to redo to explain this but the song that correlates to this is “Wounds” by Kaeshani; nothing about the name though, just about the sound.”
How did you find out about your talent and passion for painting?
“Ooh, okay this is a deep history thing, because I think it was a long time coming. As a kid I would go to a summer camp at an actual art Institute, because I saw my sister doing it and kid me always wanted to do what my sister was doing. Everyday at the camp we would do 4 things: painting, ceramics, mixed media, and music. Makes sense now that I still do all of these, because they’re all important to me, though mixed media is the least to be honest. For a while, nothing really came of it after those summer camps, but in high school I took ceramics every year I could, and a 2D art class senior year after I ran out of ceramics classes I could do. Funnily enough, painting only came back when my mom suggested it as a way to distract myself from ~trauma~ I was going through at the time. Been doing it ever since, so I guess it was a good thing eventually. :D”
What’s the first painting you remember making?
“I actually still own some of the paintings I did at the summer camp. :D Not the first one though, I know that’s gone. Can’t remember what it was, but I have the second one, and I remember it being the second one LOL. I don’t consider them proper paintings, because they’re all meant to be copies of an original, and we used them to practice, so you traced, and then number mapped colors and stuff, but it’s still a painting if not practice plagarism.”
“Here is one of them plus a photo of my dog’s reflecting from the opposite wall.”
“Me when it’s 11PM and the lighting in my room is terrible.”
“I think I am just better now. (I’m ripping on a toddler’s painting ability.)”
Now let’s talk about building. Which aspects of it do you like the most?
“I like wasting my time so I don’t have to think about capitalism. Alternatively, it’s like 3D painting.”
Amongst all the maps you’ve done so far, which ones would you say are your favorites and why?
"I have to say the “Bees VS Wasps” to be honest. That was my peak, and it all went downhill from there (/j), though the “4 Team KOTH Arena” might be on the same level when it’s finished… Whenever I finish that.
Honorable mention goes to the “Egglore Finale Map”. I probably contributed like 1% on that, but I sure was there."
“Here’s bees.”
Are there any projects you’re working on at the moment that you could tell us about?
“Uhhhh, honestly, not much. The “KOTH Arena”, mainly, though I’m acting like I’ve done any work on it in like a week. There’s honestly several unfinished WIPs of mine just sitting around on event, whoops. Just haven’t had the same time I did when I first started, or energy for that matter. Supposed to be doing a painting that the Forums helped me pick. I’ll probably get to that soon, hopefully. Not a build but it’s a project, I suppose”
“This is the only finished parts of the “4 Team KOTH Arena” basically LOL.”
Do you have any tips or advices for someone who would like to get into painting, building, or anything of the sort?
“For painting, I would say try not to focus too much on making it “good”. A lot of the time I see people put their art down because it’s not realistic enough, or whatever, and the thing I always say is that there’s no right or wrong way to do art. Just do what you want. Same thing applies for building. Everyone worries about what other people are going to think about it. REDACTED that to be honest. Stop chasing after a perfect copy of reality when it’s already right in front of you. Make something new! That’s why I like abstract. And yeah, maybe my synesthesia portraits are copies of my reality, but no one else can see it. My art’s still stylized too, my portraits aren’t 100% accurate to the real vision anyways.”
Lastly, is there anything you want to add?
“EvillRat tried to make me kiss Skeppy in the middle of this interview, and set fire to the floor around me.”
Written by NaoIsHere.
New Staff!
Technically not new, but welcome @TheFireGamer210 and @zetsies to the moderator Team!
This month saw the addition of a new kind of crate, the Nuclear Crate. With a new crate being added, Christmas Crates can now be found in the outside world and by fishing at level 91 or higher!
Mythical slotting
You can now slot Mythicals in /warp arcade
Very fitting for the ability to slot Mythicals, the odds of finding Mythical Rares and Extinct Rares were buffed!
New UL and Fabled and other additions and adjustments
The new Fableds that were added are the Hades Fists and the Elder Wand.
The new ULs are Magneto Pickaxe, Shrek Pickaxe, Venom Goo, Peach Heart, Snape Pickaxe, Snow White Dress, Snow White Heels, Dobby Little Legs, Doctor Strange Eyes, Doctor Strange Pants, Big Bad Wolf Pickaxe and Hades Robe.
The Prestige Perk “Spider Immunity” was also added
Lastly, there are some Buffs to Mining, with Flash Pickaxe and Flash Point Pickaxe being buffed, Ego pickaxe and also Deadpool Pickaxe being buffed as well as the Mineral Prices in /sell! Happy Mining
New PB additions
God head, Hazmat suit, Eldest Wand and Nuclear boots are in PB now! ’
Fissionberry was added as a new and expensive drug type, bringing in even more money than Crack!
Written by DonutJack.
I. Elements Mapart Competiton Results!
This month we had our first mapart competition of the year hosted by @LunaInSpace!
Of course this competition would not have been possible without our lovely judges @Mysaan @skepiwi @EvilRat and the incredible LunaInSpace :)
Alk was there too apparently? He didn’t do much. Kind of dissapointed in him.
Here are the winners!
(For 4th and 5th please click here)
1st Place 
Rising from the Flames
@ToastyGhostys, @pijal & @SmoonC
2nd Place 
Gaea’s wheel of Life
3rd Place 
The Four Elements
II. February Championship Stats
This is going to be a new section of this section of the newsletter, which would make it a sub-section of my section? I have no idea.
As championships happen once every 2 weeks , we should get around 2 every month so I have decided to put some stats from them both here! However that will be starting NEXT newsletter. For this month I have gone through every single championship and calculated who are the best players! (I haven’t actually done it yet while typing this I am a liar)
This is also only including people who made it into the top 3 as I do not have the stats for any other placements sadly.
Here are the stats from the 28 championships we’ve had!
Top Crowns:
- skepiwi - 122
- Ferromagnetism - 59
- danior - 53
- Alkemystix - 51
- Moumik - 49
Top Average Crowns (Must have at least 2 podiums):
- Ferromagnetism - 9.8
- skepiwi - 9.3
- Alkemystix & ItsJstJamie - 8.5
- Starry_Dreams - 8.4
- Frelm - 8.2
Top 3 Podiums:
- skepiwi - 13
- danior & Moumik - 7
- Katlea, Ferromagnetism & Alkemystix - 6
Fun Fact: 65 unique players have made it onto the podium so far, earning 1001 Crowns in total.
(I did not plan it to be almost exactly 1000 I swear)
III. Kiss Cams
Today I caught @MindSongs and @DonutJack sharing a kiss. I didn’t stage this kiss. I definitely got sent a kiss cam this month and didn’t need to tell Jack to join survival just for this. They were kissing at one point ignore that they’re just staring at each other.
It has also been brought to my attention that my kiss cams are absolutely terrible? Mysan was really mean about it
- Yes
- No
Written by EvillRat.
Hello hello! Another month another map art part! As always if any credit is wrong or if you have made any map arts make sure to message me on discord (Mysaan). Let’s see the maps!
Click Here!
Made by QueenBee707 and _Cinderace _
Available in Shop 31
Made by Rinian, BuffCorgi_ and Kiikyo
Made by StarlightVic and Elloff1
Available in Shop 25
Made by danior and Moumik
Available in Shop 3
Made by Starry_Dreams
Available in Shop 14
Made by pesusalla and Katlea
Made by ledainaa and prismv
Made by ToastyGhostys, pijal and SmoonC
Available in Shop 32
Made by Nadis_Nadis, Keneke and Monesteir
Available in Shop 111
Can you believe all of those were just from the map art competition? This months maps keep going!
Made by SUPERDUCK3534
Made by An0nPlays
Available in Shop 21
Made by Mysaan
Available in Shop 20
Made by QueenBee707
Available in Shop 31
Made by smhLuna
Available in Shop 18
Made by QueenBee707
Available in Shop 30
Written by Mysaan.
Community Art Highlights! 
Hello! Hope your february has been good because it certainly has been good for the art world of munchy. We have had three different posts about art just here on the forums and of course the creations channel in the discord has been active as usual and then we also have an “artist” interview? Let’s get into it!
“Artist” Interview with EvillRat?
You might wonder why I have picked EvillRat for this months interview so let me inform you. Last month EvillRat interviewed me without my knowledge so this month I decided to do the same thing back to them. EvillRat needs no introduction, we know them we love them, let’s see the interview.
Click here!
- How has your month been so far?
It’s been ok!
- How do you come up with the questions you ask for your newsletter interviews?
Idk im, im special
- Why is purple your favourite color?
Vicvi said my favorite color is lilac. its a fun color, its very rat i think
- Do you have a catch phrase?
- Do you have a favorite quote?
UMM! probably but i cant rember, rn
But of course, as if an interview with the famous EvillRat wasn’t enough I would like to share some of my favorite EvillRat poetry with all of you.
Click here!
Illustration of Mysaan and Starry_Dreams
Illustration of McDonalds and danior
Without cat ears
Illustration of smhLuna and DutchMTC
Illustration of Kybz, kaittt and dxlicaterose
Illustration of NeonKnight9115 and LuLuBearG
Illustration of NotABear1 and watowl